Page 16 - The College Echo Spring 2019
P. 16

14 Science

  Getting ‘Hands On’ with Science

      On Thursday, 24 January Year 10 Science students took part in the Science and Technology Showcase at the
      University of Plymouth. This annual event gives students the opportunity to get ‘hands on’ with Science. They
      were able to experience a range of interactive science exhibitions from Segways to computer game
      technology, oculus rift to marine wildlife, chemistry experiments to healthcare sciences.
      The day included lectures on topics such as extinction and climate change, and artificial intelligence. There
      was something for everyone and plenty of opportunity for students to learn about STEM careers and higher
      education courses.
      This inspiring and informative day was arranged as part of a series of Physics trips and events for Year 10
      students subsidised by the Ogden Trust (

  Planetary Scientist Inspires Students

                                  The College was highly privileged to welcome Dr Suzie Imber, Planetary Scientist and winner
                                  of the BBC2 series Astronauts: Do You Have What It Takes?
                                  Dr Suzie Imber spoke to students about her life and work. Including her amazing
                                  mountaineering achievements, her work as a Planetary Scientist, and helping to design and
                                  build the X-ray Spectrometer that is on the BepiColombo mission currently on its way to
                                  Mercury. She also told us all about some of the challenges she faced on the way to
                                  winning the BBC2 television show, “Astronauts: Do You Have What It Takes?”
                                  A Year 10 student said, “Suzie Imber is a strong independent, inspirational scientist who
                                  showed us that anything really is possible. Most everyday school talks centre around a
                                  great achiever we have never met, on a digital screen, disconnected from reality,
                                  making it difficult to illuminate, inspire and move students and teachers alike to action.
                                  Suzie completely reconstructed the belief we had about Physics and the opportunities
                                  available to us. She sparked motivation and her speech was my favourite one yet.”

  SoCool for Science

      On Thursday, 14 March, Year 9 students travelled to the Peninsula Medical
      Laboratories at Derriford Hospital for a ‘SoCool for Science’ trip.
      The students were able to try out, first hand, some of the same techniques used in
      medical research and were able to meet medical researchers who are doing studies
      into the biological basis of human diseases such as cancer, antibiotic resistance and
      disorders of the nervous system.
      They carried out 3 activities, firstly extracting DNA, secondly growing kidney cells in
      the laboratory and finally understanding how we can use the fruit fly to model and
      understand human disease. A very informative day was enjoyed by all the students.

      The College Echo - Spring 2019 -
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