Page 15 - The College Echo Spring 2019
P. 15

Human Science 13

Police Ambassador Scheme

On Wednesday, 13 March, students in Years 7 to 10, spent the afternoon with local officers, PC Bond and
PCSO Summers, as part of a new Police Ambassador Scheme. The police officers visited the College to create
further links within our community and they wanted our young people to have a voice about what is
happening in their community and feel empowered to create positive change. They are the future after all.
The discussion focused on what students could expect from a career in the Police. They then discussed issues
such as antisocial behaviour, drugs, sexting and knife crime. The students had to consider what role they could
take in aiding the prevention of such crimes and promoting a safer neighbourhood.
Both officers were very impressed and left the students buzzing with the idea of peer education. We look
forward to welcoming them again in the Summer Term for another informative session.

Students are leading the way in Wellbeing

Following on from an enormously successful presentation at a national conference on Resilient Young Minds,
and from regular meetings with MP Sir Gary Streeter, on Friday 15 March, 25 students had a training day with
the fabulous coach, Kathy Rablah, to become the College’s latest Wellbeing Ambassadors.
They learnt about the ‘Inside Out’ philosophy as the theoretical basis of the wellbeing practice that we are
developing as a whole College. We all have an ‘inner diamond’ and we need to remember that we are all
innately good, strong and resilient.

Students also looked at coaching techniques and had the
opportunity to try their skills out on each other. The students
found the day incredibly valuable for their own mental health
and resilience and are ready to start working with other
students in the College. The first plan that they have
suggested is to offer all Year 7 students a ‘face to face, 5
minute meeting’ to personally introduce them to a member
the Wellbeing Ambassador Team, so they have a friendly
face to turn to should they need it.

Helen Ryder, Head of Human Resources said, “The amount of
effort and energy shown on the day, and for the future of
wellbeing, has made me very proud to be working with them.
The mental health future for Ivybridge Community College
students is about to be transformed.”
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