Page 14 - Spring 2020 Echo for website
P. 14
12 Human Science
Nancy Astor - Inspiration for our Generation
The College, together with Drakes Jewellers, launched a Nancy Astor inspired
competition in celebration of 100 years of women in Parliament. Students were asked
to choose a quote from Nancy Astor and express what the quote meant to them. The
three finalists were invited to Drakes Jewellers, in Plymouth, where Ophelia, in Year 8
was announced as the winner.
Ophelia cleverly linked Lady Astor’s quote “The main dangers in this life are the people
who want to change everything... or nothing” to modern day global warming and
environmental issues. She bought the thoughts and feelings of Nancy Astor into the
21st Century, highlighting how ahead of her time this powerful, inspirational woman
Helen Ryder said, “I am very proud of all the effort and enthusiasm our students had
shown for the competition and how inspiring the winners are, and how they are the
powerful women of the future.”
Ten per cent of all sales from Drakes exclusive Nancy Astor collection will be donated
to the Lady Astor Statue Appeal and the Legacy Project, helping young girls enter into
Exploitation Awareness Time To Talk Day 2020
In February, the College welcomed Alter Ego Creative On Thursday, 6 February students and staff were
Solutions. The production for Year 9 students focused encouraged to spend time talking about mental
on County Lines and Child Criminal Exploitation. health. We know that talking about mental health can
Students were immediately engaged in the captivating feel awkward, but the more we talk, the less awkward it
production and really understood the need to be will become.
aware of dangers that they could potentially face. As part of Children’s Mental Health week some of our
A real focus of the production was not only about Year 7 and 8 students have been working on the ‘Find
protecting themselves, but also to spot changing Your Brave’ awareness activities which explore what
characteristics in their peers. At the end of the being brave really means and how it helps develop
production, students were able to ask questions positive mental health.
relating to our community. Our aim is to make conversations
We also had representatives from Devon and Cornwall about mental health everyday
Police, as well as counsellors from Young Devon to practice.
support our students with any questions or issues that In addition to this we have the
were raised. Wellbeing Hub where trained
In addition to this, there was an session later in the day Student Ambassadors are available
extended to parents and carers in the community. to talk to students at every
lunchtime and break time.
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