Page 13 - Spring 2020 Echo for website
P. 13
English 11
Theatre Performance - Positive and Invaluable
On Thursday, 5 March, 150 students from Years 10 and 11 attended a stunning performance of our key GCSE
text, ‘An Inspector Calls’ in the Theatre Royal Plymouth. The students were thrilled to see the performance live,
as well as this being a key revision tool for Year 11 students. Many students commented that it enabled them
to see the play as a construct and a comment on society rather than considering the characters as ‘real
people’. Year 11 students felt the performance was invaluable for their revision and found they were saying
the lines to themselves alongside the actors on the stage.
Mrs Hewish said, “It was a privilege to take these students to watch this performance and we are certain this
will impact positively in the exams in May.”
‘Parents Book Club’
This term has seen the beginning of the English Department opening the curriculum to the parents of our Year
10 students for the first ever Parents Book Club. In February parents of Year 10 students were invited into the
College to receive their own copy of the play, ‘An Inspector Calls.’ Parents are encouraged to read this play
alongside their child and discuss key characters, themes and plot twists. Key dates for parents to become
involved are as follows:
Tuesday, 14 April 4pm – 5pm, Location LRC – Charles Dickens, ‘A Christmas Carol’
Tuesday, 19 May 4pm – 5pm, Location LRC – Discussion on key text.
Creative Writing Students are Published Poets
Students taking part in the Creative Writing lunchtime club entered the Young Writers Poetry Competition last
term. Entrants were asked to write an inspirational poem from another person’s perspective.
Cole, together with five other Year 7 students, had his poem selected from over 11,000 entries nationwide to be
published in a book, showcasing young adults' work, called ‘Through Their Eyes - Twisted Words.’ Cole said, "I'm
thrilled that I have this chance to have my poem published. I've always
loved reading and I hope that comes across in my writing."
Miss Board, who is the Literacy Coordinator for the College, said, “The
Creative Writing Club is held every Wednesday lunch time to give
students an opportunity to enter competitions and to hopefully get their
work published. It’s a really fun session and the children love it.
I was over the moon when I found out that all six Year 7 students
namely, Rosemary, Livy, Caitlin, Olivia, Evelyn and Cole were successful
with getting their fantastic poetry work published. Each and every
student worked very hard, as well as having a lot of fun writing from
another perspective in order to fill the competition’s criteria.
Well done to you all, superstars!”