Page 5 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 5
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
alleles Different forms of the same gene. B6 ammonia Ammonia is a gas at room B5
temperature but readily dissolves in
alloy An alloy is a mixture of two or TC4, B2, C2, water to form an alkaline solution.
more elements, at least one of C10
which is a metal. amniotic fluid Liquid that surrounds and protects TB3
the foetus.
alloy steel Alloy produced by mixing iron with C2, C10
one or more other metals. amount In chemistry, a measure of the C3, C4
number of particles in a substance.
alpha Subatomic particle comprising C1, P4
particle two protons and two neutrons (the amperes Unit of measurement of current, TP3
same as a helium nucleus). often shortened to amps (A)
alternating Also called ac. An electric current P2, P6, P7 amplitude The maximum displacement of a TP2, P6
current that regularly changes its direction wave, measured from the middle
and size. position of the wave, in metres (m).
alternator An electrical generator which P7 amylase An enzyme that can break down B2
produces alternating current, an starch into simple sugars.
ac generator. anaerobic Without oxygen. B3, B4, B7a,
altitude A measure of an area's height P5 B7b, C7
above sea level. anaerobic Releasing energy from the TB4, TB5
alveoli Tiny air sacs found at the end TB4, TB5, B2 respiration breakdown of glucose without
of each bronchiole in the lungs, oxygen, producing lactic acid
where gas is exchanged during (in animals) and ethanol and
breathing. carbon dioxide (in plants and
Alzheimer's A disease in which the brain B2
disease degenerates and short term angle of The angle between the normal TP2, P6
memory is lost. incidence line and the incident ray.
amber Hardened tree resin. B6 angle of The angle between the reflected TP2, P6
reflection ray and the normal line (the
amino acid The building blocks that make up B1a, B1b, B2, imaginary line drawn at 90
a protein molecule. B5, C7 degrees to the reflecting surface).
ammeter A device used to measure electric TP3, P2 anhydrous A substance containing no water. C6