Page 7 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 7
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
arthritis A medical condition often found B3 atria Upper chambers of the heart B2
in older people which causes pain which receive blood from veins
and inflammation of the joints. (singular - atrium).
aseptic Name given to the laboratory B3 atrium In the heart, the atria (plural) are B2
techniques procedures carried out to prevent the upper chambers which collect
the contamination of pure cultures blood returning from the body
of microorganisms. (right atrium) or from the lungs (left
asexual Type of reproduction involving B6 atrium).
reproduction only one parent. attract Objects that tend to move P2, P5
asteroid A rock in space. Asteroids orbit the P8 together because of a force
Sun but some may cross the Earth's between them attract each other.
orbit, producing a risk of collision. attraction When two or more things come P2
asthma A disease that affects the B2, C9 together, eg the north pole of a
respiratory system. magnet is attracted to the south
pole of a magnet.
atmosphere The layers of gases that surround C9, C10, P5
the Earth. auditory The lowest and highest TP2
range frequencies that a type of animal
atmospheric The pressure caused by the weight TP4 can hear.
pressure of the air above a point.
autoclave A strong heated container used to B3
The weight of air resting on the P3 sterilise equipment.
Earth's surface.
auxins Plant hormones that control cell B5
atom The smallest part of an element TC1, C1, C2, elongation.
that can exist. C3, C4, C7,
C8, C9, P4 average The overall distance travelled TP1
speed divided by overall time for a
atom A measure of how many reactant C3 journey.
economy atoms form a desired product.
Avogadro’s The number of particles in one C3
atomic bomb A powerful and destructive bomb P4 constant mole of particles, 6.02 × 10²³ per
that gets its power from the energy mole.
released when atoms are split.
Avogadro's At a given temperature and C3
atomic The number of protons in the C1, P4 law pressure, equal volumes of
number nucleus of an atom. Also called different gases contain an equal
the proton number. number of molecules.