Page 9 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 9

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         bioleaching     Using bacteria to extract metals    C10                               boiling         Changing from the liquid to the     C2
                         from their ores.                                                                      gas state, in which bubbles of gas

         biological      In microscopy, a whole organism,    B1a, B1b                                          form throughout the liquid.
         specimen        cells, tissues, a small piece of                                      boiling point   The temperature at which a          C1, C2, C7
                         tissue, or other structures, eg hair,                                                 substance rapidly changes from a
                         pollen grains, that are viewed with                                                   liquid to a gas.
                         a microscope.                                                         bond            The chemical link that holds        C2, C5, P3
         biomass         The dry mass of an organism.        B7a, B7b                                          molecules together.

         biosynthesis    The production of more complex      B4                                bond energy     The amount of energy needed to      C5
                         molecules, from simpler ones, in                                                      break one mole of a particular
                         living organisms.                                                                     covalent bond.

         biotechnology   The use of selective breeding and   B7a, B7b                          bone marrow     Soft tissue found inside bones that   TB1, B1a, B1b,
                         genetic modification techniques                                                       produces new blood cells.           B2
                         in farming.                                                           brain           The organ of the central nervous    B1a, B1b, B5

         biotic          Living elements of an ecosystem,    B7a, B7b                                          system where vital functions are
                         such as plants and animals.                                                           coordinated.

         blood           The liquid part of the blood        B1a, B1b, B2,                     breathing       The movement of air in and out of   TB4, TB5
         plasma          containing useful things like glucose,  B5                                            the lungs.
                         amino acids, minerals, vitamins                                       brittle         If something is brittle it is easily   C10
                         (nutrients) and hormones, as well as                                                  broken.
                         waste materials such as urea.
                                                                                               bronchi         The plural of 'bronchus'. The       TB4, TB5, B2
         blood           The force of blood against the      B2                                                bronchi are the two major air
         pressure        artery walls.                                                                         tubes that transport air into and
         blood           When people are given               B2                                                out of the lungs.
         transfusion     somebody else's blood via a drip.                                     bronchioles     The many small, branching tubules  TB4, TB5, B2
         BMI             Body Mass Index, calculated by      B2                                                into which the bronchi subdivide.
                         dividing a person's weight (in                                        bronchitis      Inflammation of the bronchi and     B2
                         kilograms) by the square of their                                                     bronchioles.
                         height (in metres).
                                                                                               Buckminster-    A form of carbon consisting of      C2
         bogs            A muddy area of land.               B7a, B7b                          fullerene       molecules made up of 60 carbons
                                                                                                               arranged to form a hollow sphere.
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