Page 8 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 8
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
axle A bar, rod or shaft which passes P5 beta- A red-orange pigment important B6, B7a, B7b
through a wheel or gear. The wheel carotene in the diet for maintaining health.
or gear will rotate around the axle. bias Prejudice or favour shown, maybe B2, B7a, B7b,
background Low level nuclear radiation that is P4 unrealised, for one person, group, C10
radiation always present from natural and thing or opinion over another.
man-made sources, eg cosmic Big Bang The scientific theory that describes P1, P8
rays from the Sun, radioactive the early development of the
rocks in the Earth's crust, Universe.
radioactive radon gas in the air.
bile A substance produced in the B2
bacteria Single-celled microorganisms, B1a, B1b, B3, liver. It emulsifies fats to prepare
some of which are pathogenic B6, C10 them for digestion and neutralises
in humans, animals and plants. stomach acid.
Singular is bacterium.
binary fission The form of cell division used by B3
balanced A chemical equation written C1, C3, C4, prokaryotes to reproduce.
chemical using the symbols and formulae C6
equation of the reactants and products, so binomial Having two parts to a name. B6
that the number of units of each In the binomial system of
element present is the same on classification, each organism
both sides of the arrow. is named for its genus then its
species, e.g. Homo sapiens.
base A substance that reacts with an C4, C7
acid to neutralise it and produce biodiversity The number of organisms in a TB6, B7a, B7b
a salt. given area.
battery A chemical supply of electrical C5 biofuel A type of energy source derived B7a, B7b
energy. For example, common from renewable plant and animal
battery voltages include 1.5V and 9V. materials, eg ethanol (often made
from corn in the United States and
benign A tumour that is slow-growing and B2 sugarcane in Brazil), biodiesel
tumour non-invasive, and is therefore not (vegetable oils and liquid animal
cancerous. Benign tumours do not fats) and biogas (methane from
spread throughout the body. animal manure).
beta Radiation caused by beta P4 biogas A type of biofuel (methane) B7a, B7b
radiation particles (high-energy electrons). derived from the action of
A beta particle is an electron bacteria on animal manure or
ejected from a nucleus when a other organic waste.
neutron becomes a proton.