Page 11 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 11
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
carbon When a whole process does not P1 cartilage Smooth, strong and flexible tissue TB1, B2
neutral make a net contribution of carbon found at the end of bones, which
dioxide to the atmosphere. For reduces friction between them. It
example, burning biofuels might also forms C-shaped rings in the
be described as carbon neutral trachea that keep the airway open.
because it only releases the same catalyst A substance that changes the rate of B2, C1, C2,
amount of carbon dioxide as it a chemical reaction without being C6, C7, C10
absorbed by photosynthesis when changed by the reaction itself.
the crop was grown.
categoric Categoric variables have values Thinking
carbon sink Anything that absorbs more B7a, B7b that are labels, eg names of plants scientifically
carbon than it releases, whether or types of material.
natural of artificial.
cathode The negative electrode during C4, C10
carbonate Substance containing carbonate C4, C9 electrolysis.
ions. Most carbonates are insoluble
(such as calcium carbonate) but cation An atom or group of atoms that C8
sodium carbonate and ammonium have lost electrons and become
carbonate are soluble in water. positively charged. Most cations
are formed from metals.
carboxyl A functional group found in the C7
carboxylic acids, -COOH. cell Basic unit of life. Unicellular TB1, B1a, B1b,
organisms only have one cell. B4, C5, C7
carboxylic A homologous series of C7 Multicellular organisms have
acid compounds that contain the many cells.
carboxyl functional group, -COOH
cell cycle The series of stages that a cell B1a, B1b
carcinogen A chemical or other agent which B2,B3 goes through as it is growing and
causes cancer. dividing.
cardiac The amount of blood pumped by B2 cell division Process by which cells duplicate. B3
output the heart in one minute. Heart Rate
x Stroke Volume = Cardiac Output. cell A selectively permeable TB1, B1a, B1b,
cardiovascular Relating to the heart and the B2 membrane membrane surrounding the cell B2
blood vessels. and controlling the entry and exit
of substances.
carpel The female part of the flower, TB2
made up of the stigma where the cell sap The liquid found in the vacuole of B1a, B1b
pollen lands, style and ovary plant cells, consisting of water with
dissolved sugars, salts and amino