Page 16 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 16
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
continuous Continuous variables can have Thinking convection The transfer of heat energy P6
values (called a quantity) that scientifically through a moving liquid or gas.
can be given a magnitude either converge Move towards each other. P6
by counting (as in the case of
the number of shrimp) or by convex An object or shape that curves or P6
measurement (eg light intensity, bulges outwards, like a circle or
flow rate etc). Previously known as sphere.
discrete variable. coolant A liquid used to transfer thermal P4
continuous Where differences between living TB3, TB6 energy within a system.
variation things can have any numerical COPD COPD or chronic obstructive B2
value. pulmonary disease is the name to
Variation that shows a wide range P6 several lung diseases that restrict
of intermediate values between two air flow in the lungs and cause
extremes. They can be measured. breathing difficulties for a patient.
contraception Any form of birth control used to B3, B7a, B7b core Iron and nickel centre of the Earth TC5
prevent pregnancy. at a high temperature.
contract A muscle tenses as fibres shorten B5 coronary Referring to the heart and the B2
or create tension. blood vessels which serve the
control A part of the experiment in which B2 heart tissues.
all the variables except the coronary One of the arteries that supplies B2
dependent variable are kept the artery the heart muscle with oxygen and
same. A control lets you observe glucose so that it can continually
the effect (if any) of changing the respire and therefore contract.
independent variable. coronary A form of heart disease in which B2
control Control variable is one which may, Thinking heart disease one or more of the coronary
variable in addition to the independent scientifically arteries become blocked, depriving
variable, affect the outcome of the heart muscle of oxygen.
the investigation and therefore correlation A relationship between two sets B2, C9, C10
has to be kept constant or at least of data, such that when one set
monitored. changes you would expect the
control rods In a nuclear reactor, the control P4 other set to change as well.
rods are used to absorb excess
neutrons and control the rate of
the nuclear fission reactions.