Page 15 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 15

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         concentration   The concentration of a solution     B1a, B1b, C3,                     conservation    Keeping the environment healthy     B7a, B7b
                         tells us how much of a substance is  C4, C6, C7,                                      and productive by careful use
                         dissolved in water. The higher the   C8, C10                                          of its resources and preventing
                         concentration, the more particles                                                     extinctions.
                         of the substance are present.                                         conservation    The principle that the total energy of   P3

         concentration  The difference in the                B1a, B1b, B2                      of energy       a system stays the same, that energy
         gradient        concentration of a chemical                                                           cannot be created or destroyed
                         across a membrane.                                                                    (only stored or transferred).

         concordant      Titres within 0.20 cm³ (or sometimes  C4                              conservation    The total mass of reactants before   C1
         titres          0.10 cm³) of each other.                                              of mass         a reaction is equal to the total

         condensation    A change of state in which gas      TC2, C1, C7,                                      mass of products after a reaction,
                         becomes liquid by cooling.          P3, C9                                            because no atoms can be
                                                                                                               created or destroyed so the mass
         condensation    Chemical reaction in which          C7                                                must remain unchanged.
         polymerisa-     monomers (small molecules) join
         tion            together to produce a polymer and                                     conservation    The principle that the total        P5
                         a small molecule such as water.                                       of momentum     momentum of a system remains
                                                                                                               the same. When bodies collide,
         conduct         To allow electricity, heat or other   C2                                              whatever momentum is lost by
                         energy forms to pass through.                                                         one body, the other gains in equal

         conduction      The transfer of heat through a      P6                                                amounts.
                         material by transferring kinetic                                      consumer        Animal that eats other animals or   TB2
                         energy from one particle to another.                                                  plants.
         conductor       A material which allows heat or     TC4                               contact force   Force exerted between two           TP4, P5
                         electricity to pass through it.                                                       objects when they are touching.

                         An electrical conductor is          C2, C4, C10                       contaminated    A substance is contaminated if      P4
                         a material which allows an                                                            another substance is mixed or
                         electrical current to pass through                                                    dispersed within it.
                         it easily. It has a low resistance.
                         A material which allows charge to   P1, P2, P6, P7
                         move easily through it.
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