Page 13 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 13
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
chlorophyll The green pigment inside the TB5, B3, B4 cirrhosis Scarring of the liver, which can be B2
chloroplasts of plant cells. It caused by alcoholism or hepatitis.
absorbs light energy to enable climate Average weather conditions over C9
photosynthesis to take place. longer periods and over large areas.
chloroplast Contains the green pigment TB5, B2, B3, B4 climate A change in regional or global TC6, C9, P6
chlorophyll and is the site of change weather patterns as a result of
photosynthesis. increased levels of carbon dioxide
cholesterol A type of lipid (fatty substance). B2 in the atmosphere.
choose Select from a range of Command clone An organism that is genetically B6
alternatives. word identical to another organism.
chromato- The results of separating mixtures C1, C8 cloning A scientific method by which B1a, B1b, B6,
gram by chromatography. genetically identical copies are B7a, B7b
made of organisms.
chromatog- A technique used to separate TC2, C1, C8
raphy liquid mixtures into different closed In chemistry, a system in which C3
substances using a solvent. system no substances can enter or leave
during a reaction.
chromosome DNA coils around chromosomes to B1a, B1b, B6
make x-shaped structures called clot A clump of platelets and blood B2
chromosomes, in preparation for cells that forms when a blood
cell division. vessel is damaged.
cilia Tiny hair-like projections from a B3 collision When two objects meet and P5
cell that usually allow it to move interact, eg two particles moving
a substance past the cell (for towards each other will collide.
example, in the bronchioles in colonies A visible cluster of microorganisms. B3
the lungs).
combustion A chemical reaction between a TC3, B7a, B7b,
ciliated Cells with tiny hair-like structures B3 fuel and oxygen. C5, C7, C9
on their surface are said to be
ciliated. comet A ball of icy rock that follows an P1, P8
elliptical orbit around the Sun.
circuit A closed loop through which C5
current moves - from a power communica- A disease that is caused by a B3
source, through a series of ble disease pathogen and so is transmitted
components, and back into the from one organism to another,
power source. rather than inherited or caused by
an environmental factor.