Page 17 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 17

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         corrosion       Where a metal reacts with a         TC4                               crystal lattice  The regular arrangement of         C6
                         chemical, typically oxygen to                                                         particles (atoms, molecules or
                         form a chemical compound.                                                             ions) in a crystal.
                         When chemicals in the water dissolve  C10                             crystallisation  The process of producing crystals   C1, C4
                         minerals in the rocks, causing them                                                   from a solution by evaporating the
                         to break up (also called solution).                                                   solvent.
         corrosive       When a chemical damages a           TC1                               culture         A gel or liquid used to grow        B1a, B1b
                         substance that it comes into                                          medium          microorganisms, or cells, tissues
                         contact with, e.g, skin.                                                              or organs.
         counter         Currents flowing in the opposite    B2                                cultured        Grown deliberately by humans.       B3
         current flow    direction, for instance, blood and
                         urine flow in the kidney tubule,                                      current         Moving electric charges, e.g.       TP3, P2
                         and water and blood in fish gills.                                                    electrons moving through a metal
         covalent        A bond between atoms formed         C2, C5, C7,
         bond            when atoms share electrons          C10                               cuticle         The outer layer of a leaf which     B3
                         to achieve a full outer shell of                                                      protects it.
                         electrons.                                                            cuttings        Part of a plant stem, leaf, or root   B1a, B1b, B6
         cracking        The breaking down of large          C7                                                cut off and used for producing
                         hydrocarbon molecules into                                                            a new plant. An artificial
                         smaller, more useful hydrocarbon                                                      propagation method.
                         molecules by vaporising them and                                      cystic fibrosis  A disorder that mainly affects     B3, B6
                         passing them over a hot catalyst.                                                     the lungs, pancreas, liver, and
                                                                                                               intestine. The main symptom is
         crude oil       Mixture of hydrocarbons, mainly     C1, C3, C7,C9,
                         alkanes, formed over millions of    C10                                               difficulty breathing.
                         years from the remains of ancient                                     cytoplasm       The jelly-like fluid on the inside   TB1, B1a, B1b,
                         dead marine organisms.                                                                of the cell that allows for the     B2, B6
                                                                                                               transport of substances around
         crust           A thin, outer layer made of solid   TC5, C4, C10
                         rock covering the Earth.                                                              the cell and is the site of many
                                                                                                               chemicals reactions.
         crystal         A solid containing particles (atoms,  C1, C4, C10
                         molecules or ions) joined together                                    dark energy     An unknown form of energy,          P8
                         to form a regular arrangement or                                                      put forward as a solution to the
                         repeating pattern.                                                                    problem of why the expansion of
                                                                                                               the Universe is accelerating.
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