Page 22 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 22

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         earthquake      When slowly moving tectonic         TC5                               egg cell        The female sex cell. Otherwise      TB3, B1a, B1b
                         plates collide causing this.                                                          called the ovum.

         Earth's crust   The outer shell of the surface of   C9, C10                           elastic         Elastic materials return to their   P5
                         the planet.                                                                           original shape and size after being

         Ebola           Often fatal disease caused by a     B3                                                stretched or squashed.
                         virus which originated in Africa.                                     elastic         An energy store which fills         TP1

         echo            Reflection of sound waves from a    TP2                               energy store    when an object is stretched or
                         surface back to the listener                                                          compressed (squashed).
         economic        Relating to money, wealth and the  C3                                 elastic         Energy stored in squashed,          P1, P5
                         economy, and the production,                                          potential       stretched or twisted materials.
                         distribution and consumption of                                       energy
                         goods and services.                                                   electric        The movement of electrically        P2

         ecosystem       The living organisms in a particular  TB2, B7a, B7b,                  current         charged particles, for example,
                         area, together with the non-living   C10                                              electrons moving through a wire
                         components of the environment.                                                        or ions moving through a solution.
         effector        The organ, tissue or cell that      B5                                electric field  Area surrounding an electric        P2, P5
                         produces a response.                                                                  charge that may influence other
                                                                                                               charged particles.
         efficacy        The ability of a drug to cure a     B3
                         condition or relieve symptoms.                                        electrical      A device in an electric circuit,    P2
                                                                                               component       such as a battery, switch or lamp.
         efficiency      The fraction of the energy          C10, P1
                         supplied to a device which is                                         electrical      A material that allows current to   TP3
                         transferred in a useful form.                                         conductor       flow through it easily, and has a
                                                                                                               low resistance.
         efficient       Performing in the best possible     P1
                         manner with little time, money or                                     electrical      Energy transferred by electricity.  C4
                         energy wasted.                                                        energy
         effort          Force used to move a load over a    P5                                electrical      A material that does not allow      TP3
                         distance.                                                             insulator       current to flow easily, and has a
                                                                                                               high resistance.
         egestion        The process of passing out the      B2
                         remains of food that has not                                          electrical      Energy transferred by an electric   P1
                         been digested, as faeces, through                                     work            current.
                         the anus.                                                             electricity     The flow of charge through a        C5
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