Page 21 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 21

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         displacement  A reaction that occurs when a more  C4, C5                              dominant        An allele that always expresses itself   B6
         reaction        reactive element replaces a less                                                      whether it is partnered by a recessive
                         reactive element in a compound.                                                       allele or by another like itself.
         dissipated      The spreading out and transfer of   P1                                donor           A person or organism providing an  B2
                         energy stores into less useful forms,                                                 organ or tissue for transplant.
                         such as thermal energy causing                                        dormancy        Hibernation for seeds which stops   B5
                         the surroundings to heat up.                                                          when they germinate.
                         Dissipated energy is often referred
                         to as 'wasted' energy, since it is not                                dosage          The most effective amount of drug  B3
                         transferred to a useful output.                                                       needed to cure the disease.
         dissipation     The process of energy being         P1                                double bond     A covalent bond resulting from      C2, C7
                         transferred, or lost, to the                                                          the sharing of four electrons (two
                         surroundings.                                                                         pairs) between two atoms.
         dissociation    The breaking up of a molecule       C4                                double helix    The shape of the DNA molecule       B6
                         into ions when dissolved in water.                                                    with two strands twisted together
                                                                                                               in a spiral.
         dissolve        When a substance breaks up and      B1a, B1b, C3,
                         mixes completely with a solvent to   C4, C7, C9,                      draw            To produce, or add to, a diagram.   Command
                         produce a solution.                 C10                                                                                   word
         distance        Numerical description of how far    P1, P5                            drought         A long period of low rainfall that   C9
                         apart two things are. For example,                                                    creates a major shortage of water.
                         the distance from Edinburgh to                                        drug            A substance that can change         B2, B3, P5
                         Glasgow is approximately 50 miles.                                                    chemical reactions in the body.

         distillation    A separation technique which        TC2, C10                          ductile         The ability of a material to be     TC4
                         involves a solution being heated so                                                   drawn out into a thin wire.
                         that the solvent evaporates before                                    dwarf planet    An object orbiting a star that is   P8
                         being cooled to form a pure liquid.
                                                                                                               massive enough to be rounded
         diverge         When a light ray splits up or       P6                                                by its own gravity but has not
                         spreads out.                                                                          'cleared the neighbourhood' of
         DNA             Deoxyribonucleic acid. The          B1a, B1b, B2,                                     other objects and is not a satellite.
                         material inside the nucleus of cells,  B3, B6, C7                     dynamo          An electrical generator which       P7
                         carrying the genetic information                                                      produces direct current, a dc
                         of a living being.                                                                    generator.
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