Page 26 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 26

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         evidence        Information or material that shows   C9                               explosion       When parts of a system separate     P5
                         something is true.                                                                    and move apart. For example,

                         Data which has been shown to be     Thinking                                          a supernova is an exploding star
                         valid.                              scientifically                                    - the outer layers are thrown out
                                                                                                               into space in all directions.
         evolution       The change of inherited             TB6, B6, B7a,
                         characteristics within a population  B7b                              exponential     A set of numbers that increase      B7a, B7b
                         over time through natural                                                             more and more rapidly.
                         selection, which may result in the                                    extension       Increase in length, for example, as   P5
                         formation of a new species.                                                           a result of being pulled.
         excess          In chemistry, a substance is in     C1, C3, C4                        extinct         When no more individuals of a       TB6, B7a, B7b
                         excess if there is more than enough                                                   species remain.
                         of it to react with another reactant.                                 extraction      The process of obtaining a          C4, C9, C10

         exchange        A surface where substances, eg      B2                                                metal from a mineral, usually by
         surface         gases, food substances, wastes,                                                       reduction or electrolysis.
                         are moved across membranes.                                           eyepiece        The eyepiece, or ocular, is the     B1a, B1b, B2

         excreted        Discharged as waste                 B5                                                lens at the top of a compound
                                                                                                               microscope. It has a longer focal
         exhalation      The process of breathing out.       B2
                                                                                                               length than the objective lens and
         exhale          Breathe air out.                    B5                                                magnifies the image produced by
                                                                                                               the objective.
         exoplanet       Planet that orbit a star outside our   TP5                            faeces          Waste matter from the bowels.       B7a, B7b
                         solar system.

         exothermic      Reaction in which energy is given   B4, C5, C6,                       fats            Naturally occurring compounds       B2
                         out to the surroundings. The        C7, C10                                           of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen.
                         surroundings then have more                                                           They are esters made from fatty
                         energy than they started with so                                                      acids and glycerol.
                         the temperature increases.                                            fatty acids     Carboxylic acids with a long        B2

         explain         Students should make something      Command                                           chain of carbon atoms. Fatty
                         clear, or state the reasons for     word                                              acids react with glycerol to
                         something happening.                                                                  produce lipids (fats and oils).

         explant         A small piece taken from a plant,   B6                                feedstock       A raw material used to provide      C7
                         used in plant cloning.                                                                reactants for an industrial reaction.
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