Page 31 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 31

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         glacier         A slow-moving ice mass,             C9                                graphite        A form of pure carbon in which      C2
                         formed over a long period from                                                        all the atoms are bonded to three
                         compacted snow.                                                                       others in giant sheets which can
         gland           An organ or tissue that makes a     B5                                                slide over each other.
                         substance for release, such as a                                      graphite core  Slows down neutrons in a nuclear     P4
                         hormone.                                                                              fission reactor.
         global          The gradual reduction in radiation   C9                               graticule       A glass or plastic disc fitted into   B1a, B1b, B2
         dimming         energy which reaches the Earth's                                                      the eyepiece of a microscope.
                         surface from the Sun due to                                                           The graticule has a scale ruled on
                         small particles in the atmosphere                                                     it and is used to estimate the size
                         which have almost certainly been                                                      of a specimen when viewed with
                         produced by human activities                                                          a microscope.
                         such as burning fossil fuels.                                         gravitational   The force on 1kg due to the pull    TP5
         global          The rise in the average             B7a, B7b, C9,                     field strength   of gravity, measured in newtons/
         warming         temperature of the Earth's surface.  TC6                                              kilogram (N/kg).
         glucose         A simple sugar used by cells for    B2, B4, B5, B6                    gravitational   The energy stored by an object      TP1, P1, P8
                         respiration.                                                          potential       lifted up against the force of
         glycerol        Part of the structure of a lipid.   B2                                energy          gravity. Also known as GPE.
                                                                                               gravity         The force of attraction between     B5
         glycogen        Animals store glucose as glycogen  B2, B4, B5                                         all objects. The more mass an
                         in their liver and muscle tissues.
                                                                                                               object has, the larger the force of
         goblet cells    Cells in the lining of the airways   B3                                               gravity it exerts.
                         that produce mucus to trap dust                                       greenhouse      The retention of heat in the        B7a, B7b, C9
                         and pathogens.                                                        effect          atmosphere caused by the build-
         gradient        Another word for steepness. On a    C6, P5                                            up of greenhouse gases.
                         graph, the gradient is defined as                                     greenhouse      The gases responsible for global    B4, B7a, B7b,
                         being the change in the 'y' value                                     gas             warming because they absorb         C9, C10, TC6
                         divided by the change in the 'x'                                                      infrared radiation - carbon
                         value. It defines how steep a line is.                                                dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide
         graphene        A form of carbon consisting of      C2                                                and CFCs (chlorofluorocarbons).
                         a single layer of carbon atoms
                         joined together in hexagonal rings.
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