Page 34 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 34

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         hydrogen        Hydrogen bonds are intermolecular   B2                                ignite          Set on fire.                        C7
         bonding         attractive forces that develops
                         between a hydrogen atom and an                                        immune          The body's defence system           B1a, B1b, B2,
                         electronegative atom. Hydrogen                                        system          against entry of any foreign body,   B3
                         bonding between water molecules                                                       including pathogens and agents
                         involves an attractive force                                                          such as pollen grains. The role of
                         between a hydrogen atom in one                                                        the immune system is to prevent
                         water molecule and the oxygen                                                         disease.
                         atom in another.                                                      immunity        When a person's body is not prone  B3
                                                                                                               to a disease because they have
         hydrogena-      An addition reaction in which       C7
         tion            diatomic hydrogen molecules are                                                       a resistance to it, using the cells in
                         added across carbon to carbon                                                         their immune system.
                         double bonds.                                                         immunosup-      A type of drug that inhibits a      B2

         hydroponics     A system that involves growing      B4                                pressant drug   patient's immune system and in
                         plants in a porous material (other                                                    doing so prevents it from rejecting
                         than soil) and allowing water                                                         a transplant.
                         containing nutrients to filter                                        impure          A substance that consists of more   C8
                         through it.                                                                           than one element or compound.

         hydroxyl        The functional group present in all   C7                              in vitro        In vitro experiments are done in    B6
                         alcohols, -OH.                                                                        glassware such as test tubes and

         hypothalamus    The part of the brain that detects   B5                                               Petri dishes.
                         changes in blood temperature                                          incident ray    The incoming ray (of light) with    TP2, P6
                         and water concentration.                                                              the arrow pointing towards the

         hypothesis      A starting point for investigation. An  Thinking                                      surface or boundary.
                         idea or explanation to be tested.   scientifically                    incomplete      Burning when there is a limited     C7, C9

         ice age         A time when parts of the Earth's    C9                                combustion      supply of air or oxygen.
                         surface were covered with large                                       independent     Independent variable is the variable  Thinking
                         ice sheets.                                                                           for which values are changed or     scientifically
                                                                                                               selected by the investigator.
         identify        Name or otherwise characterise.     Command
                                                             word                              indicator       A substance that has different      TC3, C4

         igneous         Formed from magma and lava          TC5, B7a, B7b                                     colours, depending upon the pH
                         cooling down over a long period                                                       of the solution it is in.
                         of time.
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