Page 33 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 33

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         heart           An operation to replace a           B2                                horizontal      A line with zero slope.             P3
         transplants     damaged heart with a healthy
                         heart from a donor.                                                   hormone         Chemical messenger produced in      B2, B3, B5
                                                                                                               glands and carried by the blood
         heat            A flow of energy, measured in       TP6                                               to specific organs in the body.
                         joules (J). Heat will transfer from a
                         hotter object to a cooler object.                                     horticulture    Growing of fruit, vegetables and    B5
         hepatitis       Inflammation or swelling of the     B2
                         liver, for example because of                                         host            The organism lived on or in by a    B3
                         infection by a virus or drinking too                                                  parasite.
                         much alcohol.                                                         human           The ribs and upper backbone,        B2

         herbivore       An animal that feeds only on plants.  B3                              thorax          and the organs found in the chest.
                                                                                               humidity        The amount of water vapour in       B1a, B1b, B4
         herd            The protection given to a           B3                                                the atmosphere measured as a
         immunity        population against an outbreak                                                        percentage.
                         of a specific disease when a very
                         high percentage of the population                                     hybrid car      A car that uses petrol/diesel and   TC6
                         have been vaccinated against it.                                                      electricity to work.
         heterozygous    This describes a genotype in which   B6                               hybridoma       Cells formed from fusing spleen     B3
                         the two alleles for a particular                                                      cells with myeloma cells which will
                         characteristic are different.                                                         produce monoclonal antibodies.

         histogram       A graphical representation of the   B2                                hydrated        Containing water of crystallisation,  C6
                         distribution of numerical data.                                                       which can be removed by
                                                                                                               heating strongly.
         HIV             Human Immunodeficiency Virus,       B3
                         a disease which damages cells in                                      hydration       Chemical reaction in which water    C3, C7
                         the immune system.                                                                    reacts with a substance.

         homeostasis     The maintenance of a constant       B5                                hydrocarbon     A compound that contains            B5, C7, C9
                         internal environment in the body.                                                     hydrogen and carbon only.

         homologous      A 'family' of organic compounds     C7                                hydroelec-      Electricity that is generated by the   P1
         series          that have the same functional group                                   tricity         movement of water.
                         and similar chemical properties.

         homozygous      This describes a genotype in        B6
                         which the two alleles for the
                         characteristic are identical.
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