Page 35 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 35
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
indicator The presence, abundance or B7a, B7b infrastructure The basic structures needed for P1
species absence of these organisms an area to function, for example
provides information such as the roads and communications.
level of pollution in the environment. ingot A block of solid metal, usually C10
induced A temporary magnet, made from P7 rectangular in shape.
magnet a magnetic material placed in inhalation The process of breathing in. B2
a magnetic field. The induced
magnetism is lost when moved out inoculating A small wire loop used to transfer B3
of the magnetic field. loop microorganisms from one growth
Industrial The process that transformed B7a, B7b, P1, medium to another.
Revolution manufacturing from handmade to P3 inorganic A compound that does not include B4
machine-made, mass-produced chemicals carbon combined with hydrogen.
goods using water, steam and input force The force you apply to a machine. TP4
coal power transported by canal,
rail and steamship. Britain was the insoluble Unable to dissolve in a particular C1, C4, C8,
first country to have an Industrial solvent. For example, sand is C10, TC2
Revolution. insoluble in water.
inelastic Inelastic materials do not return to P5 insulation Things which protect by C9
their original shape and size after preventing a loss of heat.
being stretched or squashed. insulator Material that does not allow charge TC4, P1, P2
inertia The tendency of an object to P5 or heat to pass through it easily.
continue in its current state (at rest insulin A hormone that regulates the B2, B5, B6
or in uniform motion) unless acted level of sugar in the blood and
on by a resultant force. can be produced by genetically
inertial mass A measure of how difficult it is to P5 modified bacteria.
change the velocity of an object. intensive Farming methods that usually B7a, B7b
It is defined as the ratio of force farming involve monoculture (growing one
over acceleration. crop) and using pesticides and
infertile Not being able to have children. B3 fertilisers to improve crop yield.
infrared Electromagnetic radiation emitted P4, P6 intercostal Sets of muscles between the ribs TB4, B2
radiation from a hot object. muscles which raise and lower the rib cage.