Page 30 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 30

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         gene            The basic unit of genetic material   B1a, B1b, B6,                    genotype        The alleles that an organism has    B6
                         inherited from our parents. A       B7a, B7b, C7                                      for a particular characteristic,
                         gene is a section of DNA which                                                        usually written as letters.
                         controls part of a cell's chemistry -                                 genus           A rank in classification below      B3, B6
                         particularly protein production.                                                      family and above species.

         general         An algebraic formula that sets out a  C7                              geostation-     A satellite orbiting a planet at    P8
         formula         rule or trend which is followed by all                                ary             the same rate as the planet. A
                         members of a homologous series.                                                       geostationary satellite orbiting
                         For example, all non-cyclic alkanes                                                   Earth has a period of 24 hours.
                         have the general formula CnH2n+2.
                                                                                               geothermal      Energy from the heat of the Earth.  P1
         generator       Device that converts kinetic        C10, P2, P4,
                         energy into electrical energy.      P7                                germination     The process where seeds sprout      B5
         generator       When motion between a               P7                                                and begin to grow.
         effect          conductor and a magnetic field                                        gestation       Process where the baby develops     TB3
                         creates electricity, ie a magnet is                                                   during pregnancy.
                         moved into a coil of wire.                                            giant           A structure in which very large     C2
         genetic         To do with inheritance because of   B2, B6                            covalent        numbers of atoms are joined
                         genes.                                                                structure       together by covalent bonds in a
         genetic code    The code formed by the order of     B6                                                regular network.
                         the bases in DNA that determines                                      giant metallic  The structure of a metal. The metal  C2
                         an organism's characteristics.                                        structure       atoms are arranged in a regular
                                                                                                               pattern of layers, with delocalised
         genetic         Process which involves the artificial  B1a, B1b, B3,
         engineering     transfer of genetic information     B6, B7a, B7b                                      electrons able to move between
                         from one donor cell or organism                                                       them.
                         to another.                                                           gill filament   Structures that make up the gills of   B2
                                                                                                               a fish.
         genetically     To do with the genes that an        B6
                         organism contains.                                                    gills           The respiratory organ found in fish   B2

         genetically     Describes a cell or organism that   B6                                                and other aquatic animals. Gills
         modified        has had its genetic code altered                                                      have a large surface area, and
                         by adding a gene from another                                                         a good blood supply, for efficient
                         organism.                                                                             gas exchange to happen in water.
         genome          The complete set of DNA found in    B6                                give            Only a short answer is required, not   Command
                         an organism.                                                                          an explanation or a description.    word
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