Page 32 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 32

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         group           A vertical column in the periodic   TC1, C1, C2                       halide          A halide ion is an ion formed when   C4, C8
                         table containing elements with                                                        a halogen atom (an atom from
                         similar chemical properties.                                                          group 7) gains one electron. Halide
         group 1         The first vertical column of        C1                                                ions have a single negative charge.
                         elements in the periodic table,                                                       Ionic compounds containing
                         starting with lithium and ending                                                      halide ions may be called halides.
                         with francium. Also called the                                        halogen         An element placed in group          C4
                         alkali metals.                                                                        7 of the periodic table, which

         gut             The digestive system. It is involved   B2                                             starts with fluorine and ends with
                         in breaking down complex food                                                         astatine. The name 'halogen'
                         molecules and the absorption of                                                       means 'salt-producing' because
                         simple food molecules into the                                                        halogens produce a range of salts
                         bloodstream.                                                                          when they react with metals.
         gut bacteria    Microorganisms that naturally       TB4                               haploid         A sex cell (gamete) that contains   B6
                         live in the intestine and help food                                                   one set of chromosomes.
                         break down.                                                           hard            Able to resist wear, scratching and   C10
         Haber           The industrial chemical process     C1, C6, C10                                       indentation.
         process         that makes ammonia by reacting                                        hazard          Any chemical that can cause         TC1, P4
                         nitrogen and hydrogen together.                                                       harm or damage to humans,

         habitat         A place where plants, animals       B7a, B7b, C9,                                     property, or the environment.
                         and microorganisms live.            C10                               heart           Muscular organ that pumps blood     B2
         haemoglobin     The red protein found in red blood   B2, C9                                           around the body.
                         cells that transports oxygen round                                    heart attack    A condition where the supply of     B2
                         the body.                                                                             blood to the heart is suddenly

         half equation   An equation, involving ions and     C4                                                blocked, usually by the build up
                         electrons, that describes the                                                         of fatty material in one or more
                         process happening at an electrode.                                                    of the coronary arteries. Heart
                                                                                                               muscle is damaged in the process.
         half-life       The time it takes for the number of   P4
                         nuclei of a radioactive isotope in a                                  heart disease   A wide range of conditions that     B2
                         sample to halve. Also defined as the                                                  affect the heart.
                         time it takes for the count rate from                                 heart failure   A condition where the heart is failing  B2
                         a sample containing a radioactive                                                     to pump sufficient blood around the
                         isotope to fall to half its starting level.                                           body at the appropriate pressure.
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