Page 37 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 37

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         ionising        Radiation that is able to remove    B2, B6, P6                        justify         Use evidence from the information  Command
         radiation       electrons from atoms or molecules                                                     supplied to support an answer.      word
                         to produce positively charged                                         kinetic         Energy which an object possesses    P1, P2, P3, P5,
                         particles called ions.                                                energy          by being in motion.                 P8
         irradiation     Process of exposing an object       P4                                kinetic         An energy store which fills when    TP1
                         to a source of radiation. Eg fruit                                    energy store    an object speeds up (gets faster).
                         exposed to gamma rays in order
                         to destroy bacteria is said to have                                   label           Provide appropriate names on a      Command
                         been irradiated.                                                                      diagram.                            word
         irregular       A shape with unequal side           P3                                lactic acid     A toxic chemical produced during  B4
         Shape           lengths.                                                                              anaerobic respiration in animals.

         irrigation      The channelling of water from       B4                                landfill sites  Places where refuse is buried       B7a, B7b, C10
                         rivers and streams to fields in order                                                 underground.
                         to help crops grow.                                                   large           Lower part of the intestine from    TB4
         irritant        Causes a temporary or reversible    TC1                               intestine       which water is absorbed and
                         damage of living tissue such as eyes                                                  where faeces are formed.
                         and skin at the point of contact.                                     LDR             A Light Dependent Resistor is a     P2
         isotope         Atoms of an element with the same  C1, P4                                             type of resistor which is affected
                         number of protons and electrons                                                       by changes in light levels. A
                         but different numbers of neutrons.                                                    cadmium sulphide layer causes a
                                                                                                               decrease in resistance in the light
         IVF             The letters stand for 'in vitro     B5                                                and increase in the dark.
                         fertilisation'. This involves bringing
                         the sperm and the egg together to                                     leukemia        Cancer of the blood cells.          B3
                         create an embryo, which is placed                                     lever           A simple machine consisting of a    TP4, P5
                         into the woman's womb to increase                                                     pivot, effort and load.
                         the chance of giving birth.
                                                                                               LH              Luteinising Hormone, secreted       B5
         joints          Places where bones meet.            TB1                                               by the pituitary gland, which

         journal         A science magazine which            C9                                                stimulates ovulation.
                         normally specialises in a specific                                    lichen          A type of fungus that grows on      B6
                         area of science and publishes                                                         rock.
                         research which has been done                                          life processes  The key reactions that all living   B7a, B7b
                         by scientists and checked (peer                                                       organisms complete.
                         reviewed) by other scientists.
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