Page 41 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 41

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         meristem        A region in plant shoots and roots   B1a, B1b                         mimicry         The ability of some organisms       B3
                         in which cells are dividing, and so                                                   to copy the appearance or
                         are undergoing mitosis.                                                               behaviour of others.
         metabolism      All the chemical reactions in the   B2, B4                            minerals        Naturally occurring, inorganic      B2, B3, B4,
                         cells of an organism, including                                                       chemical substances. Minerals       C10
                         respiration.                                                                          are necessary for both plant and
         metal           Shiny element that is a good        C1, C2, C4,                                       animal health.
                         conductor of electricity and heat,   C7, C10                          mining          When natural resources are          C10
                         and which forms basic oxides.                                                         extracted from the ground.
         metallic        Bonding in metal elements           C2                                miscarriage     The spontaneous or unplanned        B2
         bonding         consisting of a giant structure of                                                    death of a foetus in the womb.
                         metal atoms and their delocalised                                     mitochondria    Structures in the cytoplasm of all   TB1, TB5, B1a,
                         electrons moving between them.                                                        cells where aerobic respiration takes  B1b, B4

         metamorphic     A type of rock formed under         TC5, B7a, B7b                                     place (singular is mitochondrion).
                         intense heat or pressure over long                                    mitosis         A type of cell division which       B1a, B1b, B6
                         periods of time.                                                                      produces daughter cells identical

         methane         A colourless gas that can do harm  C9                                                 to the parent.
                         to life forms.                                                        mixture         Two or more elements which are      TC1, TC2, C1,

         micro           Microscopic living things such      B3                                                not chemically joined together.     C2, C7, C8,
         organisms       as archaea, bacteria and some                                                                                             C10
                         species of eukaryotes.                                                mobile phase    Phase in chromatography that        C1, C8
         microbe         Microscopically small organism,     C10                                               moves, usually a solvent or mixture
                         such as a bacterium or single-                                                        of solvents.
                         celled fungus. Also called a                                          mode            The mode is the item which occurs  B7a, B7b
                         microorganism.                                                                        most often.
         micrograph      A photograph taken of a             B1a, B1b                          model           An equation, diagram or analogy     C1
                         microscopical image.                                                                  that helps explain a scientific idea.
         microphone      Turns the pressure wave of sound    TP2                               molar volume    The volume occupied by one mole     C3
                         hitting it into an electrical signal.                                                 of any gas (24 dm³ or 24000 cm³ at
         microvilli      Projections from the surface of an   B2                                               room temperature and pressure).
                         epithelial cell of the small intestine
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