Page 38 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 38
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
life-cycle A 'cradle-to-grave' analysis of C10 limiting The reacting substance that is C3
assessment the impact of a manufactured reactant completely used up in a chemical
product on the environment. Also reaction and which determines
known as a life-cycle analysis. how much product is made.
lifestyle How people choose to live. B2 linear When two variables are graphed ALL
ligaments Connect bones in joints. TB1 relationship and show a straight line which
goes through the origin.
light Device that uses visible light and B1a, B1b lipase Enzyme that breaks down lipids B2
microscope a series of lenses to produce an (fats and oils).
enlarged image of an object.
lipid Fat or oils, composed of fatty B2, B4
light year The distance light travels in a year TP5 acids and glycerol.
(over 9 million, million kilometres).
lipids (fats A source of energy. Found in TB4
lignin Carbohydrate material lining the B2, C10 and oils) butter, milk, eggs, nuts.
xylem vessels providing strength
and support. liquefy To turn from a gas to a liquid, C10
usually by cooling or by being put
limewater Calcium hydroxide solution. It turns C8 under pressure.
milky in the presence of carbon
dioxide. litmus paper A type of indicator that can be C4
red or blue. Red litmus turns blue in
limit of pro- The point beyond which Hooke's P5 alkalis, while blue litmus turns red
portionality law is no longer true when in acids.
stretching a material.
liver The large organ, beside the B2
limited A resource that is no longer being C10 stomach, which has many
resource made or which is made extremely functions, including processing
slowly, such as crude oil and metal substances absorbed by the
ores. digestive system and a role in the
limiting factor A factor which, if in short supply B3, B4 storage of the body's carbohydrate.
limits or reduces the rate of load The overall force that is exerted, P5
photosynthesis, eg temperature, usually by a mass or object, on a
light intensity and carbon dioxide surface.
lock and key Model which compares the B2
hypothesis specificity of enzymes with a key
and its lock.