Page 43 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 43

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)
         multiple        A condition, usually autoimmune,    B1a, B1b                          National Grid   The network that connects all of    P2, P7
         sclerosis       in which the myelin sheaths of the                                                    the power stations in the country
                         neurones of the brain and spinal                                                      to make sure that everywhere has
                         cord are damaged by cells of                                                          access to electricity.
                         the immune system, reducing the                                       natural gas     A naturally occurring hydrocarbon  C9, C10
                         transmission of nerve impulses, and                                                   gas mixture.
                         leading eventually to paralysis.
                                                                                               natural         A group of specialised cells that   B2
         muscular-       Muscles and bones working           TB1
         skeletal        together to cause movement and                                        pacemaker       generates electrical impulses that
         system          support the body                                                                      pass through the heart muscle
                                                                                                               and make the heart contract.
         mutation        A change in the structure of a      B2, B3, B6,P4
                         gene, chromosome or number of                                         natural         Minerals that have been made        C10
                         chromosomes.                                                          resources       through the formation of the world
                                                                                                               that can be used for human benefit.
         mycelium        The network of hyphae produced      B4
                         by a fungus.                                                          natural         The natural process whereby the     TB3, TB6, B6
                                                                                               selection       best-adapted individuals survive
         myeloma         Cancerous white blood cells used    B3                                                longer, have more offspring and
         cells           in the formation of monoclonal                                                        thereby pass on their genes to
                         antibodies.                                                                           the next generation. Sometimes

         name            Only a short answer is required, not  Command                                         referred to as 'survival of the fittest'.
                         an explanation or a description.    word                              nebula          A cloud of gas and dust in outer    P8
                         Often it can be answered with a                                                       space. If massive enough, these
                         single word, phrase or sentence.                                                      can collapse under gravity to form
         nanoparticles   Tiny particles which are between    C2                                                a protostar.
                         1 and 100 nanometres (nm) in size.                                    negative        A mechanism where changes           B5
         nanoparticu-    Useful substances containing        C2                                feedback        to conditions cause an action
         late materials  nanoparticles.                                                                        to reverse the change, to keep
                                                                                                               conditions stable.
         nanoscience     The study of structures between 1   C2
                         and 100 nanometres (nm) in size.                                      negative        Mechanism to lower raised           B5
                                                                                               feedback        levels of something, and to raise
         nanotubes       Long cylindrical molecules          C2                                mechanism       reduced levels of something.
                         made from carbon atoms joined
                         together by covalent bonds.                                           nerve           Electrical signals that travel along   B4
                                                                                               impulses        the nerve fibre from one end of
                                                                                                               the nerve cell to the other.
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