Page 48 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 48

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         peat bog        Peat bogs are poorly drained        B7a, B7b                          permeable       A substance which allows fluids or   B5
                         areas made up of partially                                                            gases to pass through it.
                         decomposed organic matter due                                         pesticide       A chemical used to kill pests, such   B7a, B7b, C10
                         to waterlogging. Peat can be                                                          as the potato cyst nematode which
                         used as a fuel.                                                                       is a pest that destroys potato crops.

         peer review     A process by which a scientific     C9                                petri dish      A clear glass or plastic dish, used   B3
                         report is reviewed and checked for                                                    to grow living cells from organisms
                         accuracy by other science experts                                                     so they can be studied.
                         before being published in a journal
                         or on an official science website.                                    petrochem-      Substance made from crude oil       C7
                                                                                               ical            using chemical reactions.
         penetrating     The power of the radiation that     P4
         power           demonstrates how far into a                                           petroleum       Fuels such as diesel and oil.       C7
                         material the radiation will go.                                       products
         penicillin      An antibiotic produced by a         B3                                pH              Scale of acidity or alkalinity. A pH   TC3, B2, B4,
                         fungus, Penicillium. Discovered by                                                    (power of hydrogen) value below     C4, C7, C10
                         Alexander Fleming.                                                                    7 is acidic, a pH value above 7 is
         penis           Organ which carries sperm out of    TB3
                         the male’s body.                                                      pH meter        An instrument which can be used     C10
                                                                                                               to measure the pH of a solution,
         percentage      A measure of how much product is    C3                                                providing a numerical value which
         yield           actually made, calculated from: 100                                                   is usually to 1 or 2 decimal places.
                         × (actual yield) ÷ (theoretical yield).
                                                                                               phagocytes      Cells, such as white blood cells,   B2, B3
         period          A horizontal row in the periodic    TC1, C1                                           that engulf and absorb waste
                         table.                                                                                material, harmful microorganisms,
         periodic        A tabular representation of all     TC1, C1, P4                                       or other foreign bodies in the
         table           known elements in order based on                                                      bloodstream and tissues.
                         atomic number, eg all the noble                                       phagocytosis    The process of the ingestion of     B2
                         gases are found on the right of the                                                   bacteria or other material by
                         periodic table.                                                                       phagocytes.
         permanent       Magnet made from a magnetic         TP3, P7                           pharmaceu-      Relating to medicines and drugs,    B3
         magnet          material. Its magnetism cannot                                        tical           their production, sale and use.
                         be turned on or off, unlike an
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