Page 49 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 49
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
phenotype The physical characteristics of an B6 phytoextrac- Using plants to absorb metal C10
organism which occur as a result tion/ compounds from the ground
of its genes. phytomining through their roots. The plants are
phloem The tissue in plants that transports B2, B4 then burned to produce an ash
the products of photosynthesis, containing a high concentration
including sugars and amino acids. of the metal compounds.
photosynthesis A chemical process used by plants TB5, B2, B3, pigment A coloured chemical. B4
to make glucose and oxygen from B4, B5, B7a, pipette A piece of apparatus used C4
carbon dioxide and water, using B7b, C9 to measure accurate and
light energy. repeatable volumes of liquid. Also
phototropism Growth of plant shoots towards B5 called a volumetric pipette.
the light. pitch How low or high a sound is. A low TP2
photovoltaic A solar panel that turns sunlight C9 (high) pitch sound has a low (high)
(PV) panel into electricity. frequency
phylum A taxonomic rank between B6 pituitary An endocrine gland that is B5
kingdom and class (the plural gland located just below the centre of
is phyla). The arthropods, for the brain. It releases a number of
example, are a phylum. important hormones.
physical A description of the appearance C1, C2 pivot A point around which something P5
properties of a substance or how it acts can rotate or turn.
without involving chemical placenta The organ in the uterus of B5, TB3
reactions. For example, state, pregnant mammals that allows
melting point, conductivity, etc. the exchange of nutrients and
physical Something that can be used to TC1 waste products between the
property describe the appearance of a mother and the foetus through the
substance. umbilical cord.
physical A reaction where no new TC3 plan Write a method. Command
reaction products are formed. word
plane A flat, two-dimensional surface. P6