Page 51 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 51

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         potential       The amount of energy shifted from   TP3                               predator        An animal that hunts, kills and eats  TB2, B7a, B7b,
         difference      the battery to the moving charge,                                                     other animals for food.             B6
         (voltage)       or from the charge to circuit                                         predict         Give a plausible outcome.           Command
                         components, measured in volts (V).                                                                                        word
         potential       Potential energy, in this instance,   P3, P8                          prediction      A prediction is a statement         Thinking
         energy          is associated with gravitational                                                      suggesting what will happen in      scientifically
                         potential energy - the energy                                                         the future, based on observation,
                         gained while rising a certain height.                                                 experience or a hypothesis.
                         Measured in joules (J) . For example,
                         the cable car gained potential                                        pregnancy       A device which indicates if a       B3
                         energy as it rose into the mountains.                                 test            woman is pregnant by using
                                                                                                               monoclonal antibodies which
         power           The energy transferred each         TP3, P1, P2, P7                                   bind with the hormone HCG.
                         second, measured in watts (W).
                         Power = work done ÷ time taken.                                       Pre-            A type of gene technology.          B6
                                                                                               Implantation    Embryos fertilised outside the
         power           A building that generates           C9                                Genetic         body are tested for genetic
         stations        electricity.                                                          Diagnosis       variants that could cause disease.
         precaution      A careful action you may take       TC1                               (PGD)           Only healthy embryos are put into
                         in advance e.g, wearing safety                                                        the mother's uterus.
                         glasses.                                                              pressure        Force exerted over an area. The     TP4, C3, C6,

         precipitate     A suspension of particles in a      B2, C1, C8,                                       greater the pressure, the greater the  C10, P3, P5
                         liquid formed when a dissolved      C9, C10                                           force exerted over the same area.
                         substance reacts to form an                                           pressure        A wave which has repeating patterns  TP2
                         insoluble substance, eg in a                                          wave            of high-pressure and low-pressure
                         precipitation reaction.                                                               regions, an example is sound.
         precipitation   A reaction in which an insoluble    C1                                prey            Animals that predators kill for food.  TB2, B7a, B7b
         reaction        solid is formed when certain
                         solutions are mixed.                                                  primary         The name given to an organism       B7a, B7b
         precision       Precise measurements are ones       Thinking                          consumer        that eats a producer. A herbivore.
                         in which there is very little spread   scientifically                 primary         The first time an organism becomes  B3
                         about the mean value. Precision                                       infection       infected by a particular pathogen.
                         depends only on the extent                                            principal       Also known as 'focal point'. The focus  P6
                         of random errors – it gives no                                        focus           of a lens where light rays appear to
                         indication of how close results are                                                   converge or to diverge from.
                         to the true value.
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