Page 55 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 55

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         reducing        Sugars that act as reducing         B2                                reinforcement   Fibres or other material that       C10
         sugars          agents. Glucose, fructose, lactose                                                    make up the bulk of a composite
                         and maltose are reducing sugars.                                                      material.
                         Sucrose is a non-reducing sugar.                                      relationship    A relationship tells us how two or   P3
         reduction       The loss of oxygen, gain of electrons,  C4                                            more variables work together,
                         or gain of hydrogen by a substance                                                    eg the relationship between
                         during a chemical reaction.                                                           resistance, voltage and current is:
         reflected       There is a reflection when waves    P6                                                resistance = voltage ÷ current.
                         bounce off a surface.                                                 relative        The mean relative mass of the       C1, C3
         reflected ray   Light ray leaving a surface or      TP2, P6                           atomic mass     atoms of the different isotopes
                         boundary.                                                                             in an element. It is the number
                                                                                                               of times heavier an atom is than
         reflex action   Automatic and rapid response to     B5                                                one-twelfth of a carbon-12 atom.
                         a stimulus.
                                                                                               relative        The sum of the relative atomic      C3, C6, C7
         reflex arc      The pathway of information from     B5                                formula mass    masses of the atoms in a chemical
                         a sensory neuron through an                                                           formula.
                         inter neuron (or relay neuron) to a
                         motor neuron.                                                         relative mass   The relative mass is the number     C1
                                                                                                               of times heavier a particle is,
         refracted       Deflected from a straight path.     P6                                                compared to another.
                                                                                               relative        Different observers judge speeds    TP1, TP5
         refraction      Process by which a wave changes  TP2, P6                              motion          differently if they are in motion too,
                         speed and sometimes direction                                                         so an object’s speed is relative to
                         upon entering a denser or less                                                        the observer’s speed.
                         dense medium, eg a light ray
                         changes direction when refracted                                      renewable       Energy sources that are replenished  C3, P1
                         by a lens.                                                                            and not exhausted, eg solar power.
         regenerate      To restore something to its original   B2                             renewable       Power that is generated using       B7a, B7b
                         form. For example, a catalyst                                         energy          natural resources that will not run
                         is regenerated at the end of a                                                        out, eg wind and wave power.
                         reaction. Certain tissues and                                         renewable       Resources which will not run out in   C10
                         organs can regenerate themselves                                      resources       the foreseeable future. This could
                         by producing new cells.                                                               be because the reserves of the
                                                                                                               resources is huge, or because the
                                                                                                               current rate of extraction is low.
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