Page 60 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 60

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         spongy          The plant tissue in a leaf which    B2, B4                            state symbol    A symbol used in chemical           C1
         mesophyll       has loosely packed cells and air                                                      equations to show if a substance
                         spaces between them to allow                                                          is a solid, a liquid, a gas, or an
                         gas exchange.                                                                         aqueous solution.
         spore           A unit of asexual reproduction in   B6                                states of       The three forms in which a substance  C2
                         some organisms.                                                       matter          can exist (solid, liquid, and gas).
         spout           A tube or lip that allows liquid to   P3                              static          A lack of movement. It means        P2
                         flow or pour from a container.                                                        inactivity or stillness.
         stable          Atoms are stable if their outer shell   C9                            static          Electric charge that accumulates    P2
                         contains its maximum number of                                        electricity     on an insulated object, for
                         electrons.                                                                            example because of friction.
         stacked bar     A bar chart in which the bars are   B2                                stationary      Phase in chromatography that        C1, C8
         chart           divided up into catergories.                                          phase           does not move, for instance, the
         stage           A glass slide with a scale etched   B1a, B1b                                          paper in chromatography.
         micrometer      on it. It is used to calibrate                                        statistics      Collection and interpretation of    B2
                         the eyepiece graticule of a                                                           data.
                         microscope.                                                           stem cell       A cell found in foetuses, embryos   B1a, B1b

         standard        A system in which numbers are       B1a, B1b                                          and some adult tissues that can give
         form            written as a number greater than                                                      rise to a wide range of other cells.
                         1 and less than 10 multiplied by a                                    stent           A device, consisting of a wire mesh  B2
                         power of 10 which may be positive                                                     tube, used to keep a narrowed or
                         or negative.                                                                          blocked coronary artery open.
         starch          A type of carbohydrate. Plants      B2, C7                            step-down       A transformer that decreases the    P2
                         can turn the glucose produced                                         transformer     voltage of the ac supply.
                         in photosynthesis into starch for
                         storage, and turn it back into                                        step-up         A transformer that increases the    P2
                         glucose when it is needed for                                         transformer     voltage of the ac supply.
                         respiration.                                                          sterilisation   The process of ensuring that a      P4
         stars           Bodies which give out light, and    TP5                                               sample contains no living things.
                         which may have a solar system of                                      sterilise       To kill any living organisms, usually   B3, C10
                         planets.                                                                              microbes that might cause disease,
         state           Solid, liquid or gas. Evaporation is a   C2, P3                                       on an object or in a substance.
                         change of state from liquid to gas.
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