Page 59 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 59
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
small Upper part of the intestine where TB4 speciation The formation of new and distinct B6
intestine digestion is completed and nutrients species in the course of evolution.
are absorbed by the blood. species A type of organism that is the TB2, TB6, B6,
smog A type of air pollution that B7a, B7b,C9 basic unit of classification. B7a, B7b
appears as a visible smoky fog Individuals of different species are
which is very harmful to health. not able to interbreed successfully.
solar cell A device that converts light C5 specific heat The amount of energy needed to P1, P3
energy into electrical energy capacity raise the temperature of 1 kg of
solenoid A straight coil of wire which can TP3, P7 substance by 1°C.
carry an electric current to create specific The amount of energy needed to P3
a magnetic field. latent Heat melt or vaporise 1 kg at its melting
soluble A substance that will dissolve. TC2, B2, C1, or boiling point.
C4, C8, C9, spectator ion An ion that is exactly the same on C8
C10 both sides of an ionic equation.
solute The dissolved substance in a TC2, B1a, B1b, spectroscope Instrument used to measure C8
solution. C1, C3, C4 properties of light, usually to
solution Mixture formed by a solute and a TC2, 1a, B1b, identify materials.
solvent. B2, C1, C3, spectrum A series of similar waves arranged in C8, P6
C4, C5, C6, order of wavelength or frequency.
C7, C8, C10 specular Reflection in which light travelling P6
solvent The liquid in which the solute TC2,B1a, B1b, reflection towards a surface in one direction
dissolves to form a solution. C1, C3, C4, is all reflected in a single direction.
C7, C8 speed How much distance is covered per TP1, C8, P5, P8
soot The fine black particles, chiefly C9 unit of time. Can be measured in
composed of carbon, produced metres per second (m/s), miles per
by incomplete combustion of hour or kilometres per hour.
coal, oil, wood, or other fuels. spinal cord The part of central nervous system B1a, B1b
south pole In a magnet, the end that is attracted P7 of a mammal which runs inside its
to the Earth's magnetic south pole. backbone
specialised A cell that has become differentiated B1a, B1b split ring Part of a dc electric motor that P7
to carry out a particular function, eg commutator reverses the direction of the
red blood cell. current every half turn of the coil.