Page 57 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 57

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         resultant       Single force which can replace      TP4                               runners         A slender fast growing stem that    B1a, B1b
         force           all the forces acting on an object                                                    grows horizontally over the soil
                         and have the same effect.                                                             surface and puts down roots to
                         The single force that could replace  P5, P8                                           form new plants eg strawberry
                         all the forces acting on an object,                                   rusting         A corrosion process in which iron or  TC4, C10
                         found by adding these together.                                                       steel reacts with oxygen and water.
                         If all the forces are balanced, the                                   sacrificial     A more reactive metal than iron,    C10
                         resultant force is zero.                                              metal           attached to an iron or steel object

         reverse         A method of purifying water by      C10                                               to prevent the object rusting.
         osmosis         forcing it under pressure through                                     salt            A compound produced by a            TC3
                         a membrane which has tiny                                                             neutralisation reaction.
                         holes in it. The molecules of water
                         pass through the holes but most                                                       The substance formed when           C4, C7, C10
                         ions and molecules of dissolved                                                       the hydrogen ion in an acid is
                         substances do not pass through.                                                       replaced by a metal ion.

         reversible      A chemical reaction which can       C3, C4, C6,                       sample          A representative part of a larger   B2
         reaction        go both ways.                       C10                                               quantity.

         rib cage        The arrangement of bones in         B2                                sampling        The selection of subjects included   B7a, B7b
                         the thorax, formed by the ribs,                                                       in a study.
                         vetebral column and sternum,                                          satellite       Body that orbits a planet.          P8
                         that encloses the lungs and heart.                                                    For example, the Moon is a
         ribosome        The site of protein synthesis.      B1a, B1b, B6                                      natural satellite of the Earth but
                                                                                                               communication satellites are
         ribs            Bones which surround the lungs to   TB4                                               artificial satellites of the Earth.
                         form the ribcage.
                                                                                               saturated       Unable to contain any more liquid.  C4, C7
         risk factor     Something that increases a person's   B2
                         chances of developing a disease.                                      scalar          A quantity that requires only a     P5
                                                                                                               size, for example, distance
         root hair cell  A specialised cell that increases   B1a, B1b, C10                                     travelled is 20 m.
                         the surface area of the root
                         epidermis to improve the uptake                                       scattering      When light bounces off an object    TP2
                         of water and minerals.                                                                in all directions.
                                                                                               scurvy          A deficiency disease that occurs    B3
                                                                                                               when an individual has insufficient
                                                                                                               vitamin C.
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