Page 58 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 58

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         sea levels      A measure of the average height     C9                                sexual          The formation of a new organism     B6
                         of the sea's surface.                                                 reproduction    by combining the genetic

         secondary       An organism that obtains its energy  B7a, B7b                                         material of two organisms.
         consumer        by eating the primary consumer.                                       show            Provide structured evidence to      Command

         sediment        Small fragments of rock and soil    B6                                                reach a conclusion.                 word
                         that form layers.                                                     sieve tube      The conducting cells that, end to   B2

         sedimentary     Rocks that are formed through       TC5, C9                                           end, make up the phloem.
                         the deposition of sediments, eg                                       significant     Giving a number to a specified      B1a, B1b
                         limestone and sandstone.                                              figure          number of significant figures is a

         sedimentary     A type of rock formed by the        B7a, B7b                                          method of rounding. For example,
         rock            deposition of material at the                                                         in the number 7483, the most
                         earth's surface.                                                                      significant, or important, figure is 7, as
                                                                                                               its value is 7000. To give 7483 correct
         seed            Structure that contains the         TB2                                               to one significant figure (1 sf), would
                         embryo of a new plant.                                                                be 7000. To 2 sf, it would be 7500.

         seedlings       A young plant developing from a     B3                                simple          Separation method used to           C1
                         seed.                                                                 distillation    separate a solvent from a solution.

         seismic         Shock waves travelling through      P6                                sine curve      The shape of the graph obtained for   P7
         waves           the Earth, usually caused by an                                                       y = sin x. The voltage produced by
                         earthquake.                                                                           an ac generator follows a sine curve.

         selective       An artificial process in which      TB6, B6                           single          Found in fish, heart consists of 1 atria   B4, B5
         breeding        organisms with desired                                                circulatory     and 1 ventricle. The blood is pumped
                         characteristics are chosen to breed                                   system          to the gills to become oxygenated.
                         together for the next generation.
                                                                                               sketch          Draw approximately.                 Command
         semiconduc-     Insulating material doped with      P2                                                                                    word
         tor             impurities to affect electron
                         energy bands and therefore                                            sketch graph    A line graph, not necessarily on    Thinking
                         affect conduction properties.                                                         a grid, that shows the general      scientifically
                                                                                                               shape of the relationship between
         sepal           Protects the unopened flower        TB2                                               two variables. It will not have any

         series          A circuit where one component       P2                                                points plotted and although the
                         follows directly from another, eg                                                     axes should be labelled they may
                         three bulbs in a row with no junctions                                                not be scaled.
                         are said to be connected in series.
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