Page 54 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 54

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         rate of         The amount of change in the size    P5                                real image      An image that is formed where       P6
         change          of a quantity each second.                                                            the rays of light are focused.

         rate of         A measurement of how quickly a      C1                                receptor        Organ, tissue or cell that detects a   B5
         reaction        reaction takes place.                                                                 stimulus.

         raw material    Basic material that goods are       C10                               recessive       Describes the variant of a gene for  B6
                         made from such as crops, metals,                                                      a particular characteristic which
                         wood and animal products such                                                         is masked or suppressed in the
                         as wool and leather.                                                                  presence of the dominant variant.
         ray diagram     Diagram that represents the         P6                                                A recessive gene will remain
                         direction and angle of travel of light.                                               dormant unless it is paired with
                                                                                                               another recessive gene.
         reactant        A substance that reacts together    TC3, TB5, C1,
                         with another substance to form      C3, C4, C5,                       recessive       Alternative form of a gene that     B6
                         products during a chemical          C6                                allele          is expressed only if a dominant
                         reaction.                                                                             allele of that gene is not present.
                                                                                                               An organism must have two
         reaction        Force exerted in the opposite       P5                                                copies of a recessive allele for that
         force           direction to an action force.                                                         allele to be expressed.
         reaction        The sequence of reactions needed  C3, C6                              recycling       Reusing materials or reprocessing   TC1, TC6, B7a,
         pathway         to produce a desired product from                                                     waste materials to produce new      B7b, C9, C10
                         a particular set of raw materials.                                                    materials.
         reaction        Chart showing how the energy of     C6                                red blood       The blood cell which contains the   B2
         Profile         reactants and products changes                                        cell            pigment haemoglobin responsible
                         during a reaction.                                                                    for the transport of oxygen.

         reactive        The tendency of a substance to      C4, C7, C10                       redox           When reduction and oxidation        C4
                         undergo a chemical reaction.                                          reaction        take place at the same time.

         reactivity      A measure of how vigorously a       TC3, TC4, C4                      red-shift       The change in wavelength of light   P8
                         substance will react. The more                                                        from a distant star moving away
                         reactive it is, the greater its                                                       from Earth.
                         reactivity and the more vigorous
                         its reactions will be.                                                reduce          A substance is reduced if it loses   C10
                                                                                                               oxygen or gains electrons.
         reactivity      A list of elements in order of      C4
         series          their reactivity, usually from most
                         reactive to least reactive.
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