Page 52 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 52
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
probability The extent to which something is B6 protein Organic compound made up of TB4, B2, B4,
likely to be the case. amino acid molecules. One of the B5, B6, C7
producer Green plant or algae that begin a TB2, B7a, B7b three main food groups, proteins
food chain. are needed by the body for cell
growth and repair.
product A substance formed in a chemical TC3, TB5, C1,
reaction. C2, C3, C4, protein The production of proteins from B2, B3, B6
C5, C6, C7 synthesis amino acids, which happens in
the ribosomes of the cell.
progesterone Sex hormone produced by the B5
ovaries and placenta. protist A small, eukaryotic organism B2, B3
that is not an animal, plant or
prokaryote A single-celled organism which B3 fungus but shares some of their
does not have a membrane- characteristics.
bound nucleus.
proton Subatomic particle with a positive C1, C2, P2, P4
prokaryotic A simple cell that does not have B1a, B1b charge and a relative mass of 1. The
cell a nucleus – the DNA is free in the relative charge of a proton is +1.
protostar The early stage in the formation P8
properties The characteristics of something. C1, C2, C7, of a star, before nuclear fusion
In chemistry, chemical properties C10 occurs.
include the reactions a substance
can take part in. Physical properties puberty Time during which sexual maturity B5
include colour and boiling point. happens.
property An attribute that can be used to TC4, TC5 pulmonary The artery which carries B2
describe something. artery deoxygenated blood from the
heart to the lungs.
proportional When two quantities have the P3, P5, P6
same ratio or relative size. For pulmonary The part of the circulatory system B2
example, current is proportional circuit that involves the right side of the
to voltage if the current doubles heart, the lungs, and the blood
when the voltage is doubled. vessels that connect them together.
protease Enzyme that breaks down proteins. B2, B5 pulmonary A vein that carries oxygenated B2
vein blood to the heart from the lungs.
pure A substance that consists of C8
only one element or only one