Page 61 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 61
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
stimulus Something that sets off a reaction B5 sublime Able to change from a solid to C2
in the nervous system, for example, a gas, or from a gas to a solid,
light, heat, sound, gravity, smell, without becoming a liquid.
taste, or temperature. These subscript A letter or number written below C1
changes in the environment the line.
are detected by receptors in an
organism. The plural is stimuli. substrate A substance on which enzymes act. B2
stomach Muscular organ in the digestive TB4, B3 successful A collision between reactant C6
system that produces hydrochloric collision particles that has enough energy
acid and protease enzymes. It for a reaction to happen.
churns up the food to help it break sucrose A disaccharide made from B1a, B1b
down. glucose and fructose. It is used as
stomata Tiny holes in the epidermis (skin) of TB5, B2, B4 table sugar.
a leaf. They control gas exchange sugar A simple carbohydrate that is B1a, B1b, B2
by opening and closing and are sweet to the taste.
involved in loss of water from
leaves. Singular is stoma. suggest This term is used in questions Command
where students need to word
stress The body's response to mental or B2 apply their knowledge and
emotional pressure. understanding to a new situation.
stroke Damage to the brain caused by B2 supernova The large explosion at the end of P8
bleeding or blood clots in the a large star’s life, which distributes
brain's blood vessels. much of the elements formed in
structural Special features to help a cell TB1 the star across space.
adaptations carry out its functions. superscript A character (number, letter or C1
subatomic Objects found in atoms, including C1 symbol) that appears slightly
particle protons, neutrons and electrons. above the normal line of type,
and that is usually smaller than the
sub-cellular Structures smaller than a cell that B1a, B1b
are found within it. rest of the text.
sublimation When a solid turns straight into a C2, P3 surface area The total area of all sides on a 3D C2, C6
gas on heating, without becoming shape.
a liquid first - or when a gas sustainable An activity which does not B7a, B7b, C10
turns straight into a solid, without consume or destroy resources or
becoming a liquid. the environment.