Page 64 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 64

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         toxicity        Poison level.                       P4                                transmission    Where waves travel through a        TP2
                                                                                                               medium rather than be absorbed
         toxin           A type of natural poison produced  B3, B6                                             or reflected.
                         by an organism, often as a form of
                         protection.                                                                           The spreading of pathogenic         B3
                                                                                                               disease, for example by touch,
         trachea         The windpipe, the tube that leads   B2, B3                                            food, water.
                         from the mouth towards the lungs.
                                                                                               transmission    Thick cables used to carry          P2
         trachea         Carries air from the mouth and      TB4                               lines           electricity long distances through
         (windpipe)      nose to the lungs.                                                                    the National Grid.
         transect        A line created, for instance, with   B7a, B7b                         transmitted     A wave is passed across or          P6
                         a tape measure, along which                                                           through a material (medium),
                         sampling occurs.                                                                      eg light waves are transmitted
         transformer     An electrical device that           P2, P7                                            through air, glass and water.
                         increases, or decreases, the                                          transparent      A material that allows all light to   TP2, C10, P6
                         potential difference (voltage) of                                                     pass directly through it.
                         an alternating current.
                                                                                               transpiration   The loss of water from leaves by    B2
         transgenic      Describes an organism that has      B7a, B7b                                          evaporation through the stomata.
                         undergone genetic modification
                         and has had genes transferred                                         transplant      Surgical procedure in which a       B1a, B1b
                         from another unrelated organism.                                                      tissue or organ is replaced.

         transition      A metal that is located in between   C1                               transport       A body system specialised to        B2
         element         groups 2 and 3 of the periodic table                                  system          transport molecules and ions in
                         and has coloured compounds.                                                           multicelluar animals and plants.
         transition      Any of the metallic elements        TC1                               transverse      A wave that moves in a direction    TP2, P6
         metal           occupying a central block in                                          wave            at right angles to the way in which
                         the periodic table, e.g. iron and                                                     the particles are vibrating.
                         manganese.                                                            trophic level   The position of an organism in a    B7a, B7b

         translocation   The transport of dissolved material   B2                                              food chain, food web or pyramid.
                         within a plant.                                                       true value      This is the value that would be     Thinking
         translucent     A material that allows light to pass   TP2, P6                                        obtained in an ideal measurement.  scientifically
                         through it, but the light is scattered.                               tsunami         A large destructive wave caused     P6
                                                                                                               by earthquakes, volcanic activity
                                                                                                               or landslides under water.
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