Page 65 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 65
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
tuber A swollen, fleshy underground B2, B6 uncertainty The interval within which the true C3
stem of a plant, such as the value can be expected to lie, with Thinking
potato, bearing buds from which a given level of confidence or scientifically
new plant shoots arise. probability, eg 'the temperature
tumour The lump of cells formed as a B2, B3 is 20 °C ± 2 °C, at a level of
result of uncontrolled cell division. confidence of 95%'.
turbine Revolving machine with blades C10, P4 uni-cellular Living things made up of one cell. TB1
that are turned by wind, water or uniform field When field lines are neat and P2
steam. Turbines in a power station ordered, usually from one
turn the generators. charged plate to another.
turgid Enlarged and swollen with water. B1a, B1b, B2, universal A chemical solution that produces C4, C10
Having turgor. Description of a plant B5 indicator many different colour changes
cell in which the vacuole has swollen corresponding to different pH levels.
due to water gain by osmosis.
unreactive A substance is unreactive or inert C4, C10
ultrasound Sound waves with frequencies TP2, P6 if it does not easily take part in
higher than the human auditory chemical reactions.
range and so can't be heard by
humans. They have a frequency unsaturated An unsaturated compound contains C7
greater than 20,000 Hz (20 kHz). at least one double or triple bond.
ultraviolet Waves with frequencies higher TP2, B2 upthrust The upward force that a liquid or TP4, P5
(UV) than visible light, which human gas exerts on a body that is in it.
eyes cannot detect. Associated urea A nitrogenous waste product B2, B5, B7a,
with sunburn and skin cancer. resulting from the breakdown of B7b
proteins. It is excreted in urine.
ultraviolet Electromagnetic radiation with C2
light a greater frequency than visible use The answer must be based on the Command
light but less than X-rays. Humans information given in the question. word
cannot see it but it can damage Unless the information given in the
eyes and skin in high doses. question is used, no marks can
be given. In some cases students
umbilical cord Connects the foetus to the placenta. TB3
might be asked to use their own
knowledge and understanding.
uterus Also known as a womb. This is TB3, B5
where the fertilised egg (ovum)
and then the foetus develops.