Page 67 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 67
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
vena cava A vein that carries deoxygenated B2 Volt Unit of measurement of potential TP3
blood to the heart from the body difference.
systems. voltage The potential difference across a C5, P2, P7
ventilation Breathing in and out. B2, B4 cell, electrical supply or electrical
component. It is measured in
ventricle The lower chamber of the heart B2 volts (V).
that receives blood from the
atrium and pumps it into arteries. voltmeter Device for measuring potential TP3, P2
difference across a component.
Vernier A measuring instrument used to P3 Must be wired in parallel to the
callipers find internal or external dimensions component you are measuring
accurately eg to the nearest the potential difference across.
0.05 mm.
volume The volume of a three- C2, C3, C4,
vibrate Move back and forth repeatedly P2 dimensional shape is a measure of C6, P3
(about a fixed point). the amount of space or capacity
vibrations Repeated movements back and P1, P2, P6 it occupies, eg an average can of
forth (about a fixed point). fizzy drink has a volume of 330 ml.
villi Finger-like projections in the small B2 water cycle The continuous movement of water B7a, B7b, P1
intestine that provide a large surface on, above and below the Earth.
area for the absorption of food.
wave Oscillations (vibrations) that TP2
virtual image An image from which rays of light P6 transport energy from place to
appear to come but do not do so place without transporting matter.
in reality. wavelength Distance between a point on a TP2, B4, P6
virus An ultramicroscopic infectious B1a, B1b, wave to the same point on the
non-cellular organism that can B2,B3 next cycle of the wave, measured
replicate inside the cells of living in metres (m).
hosts, with negative consequences. The length of a single wave,
viscosity A measure of how difficult it is for a C7 measured from one wave peak to
substance to flow - the higher the the next.
viscosity, the 'thicker' it is. waves Vibrations that transfer energy P6
volcanic When a mountain with a hole in C9 from place to place without the
eruption the top expels lava, ash, gas and transference of matter.
other materials. weather The day-to-day condition of the C9