Page 62 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 62

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         sustainable     Economic development which          C3                                tangent         A straight line that just touches   C6, P5
         development     meets the needs of the current                                                        a point on a curve. A tangent to
                         population without polluting the                                                      a circle is perpendicular to the
                         environment or depleting natural                                                      radius which meets the tangent.
                         resources.                                                            target organ    The organ with receptor molecules  B5

         synapse         A tiny gap at the junction          B5                                                on its cell surfaces which
                         between two nerve cells, which                                                        recognise a specific hormone.
                         nerve signals must cross.                                             tectonic        A piece of rock that floats on the   TC5

         synthesis       Made or put together.               B1a, B1b                          plate           mantle.

         synthetic       A material made by a chemical       B3, C10                           temperature     How warm or cold something is.      C6, C7
                         process, not naturally occurring.                                                     A measure of the average kinetic    P3, P6

         syphilis        A sexually transmitted disease      B3                                                energy of particles in a substance.
                         which causes degeneration to the                                      tendons         Connect muscles to bones.           TB1
                         brain and body if untreated.

         systematic      These cause readings to differ      Thinking                          tensile         The tension a material can          C2, C10
         error           from the true value by a consistent   scientifically                  strength        withstand without breaking.
                         amount each time a measurement                                        tension         Pulling force exerted by each       TP4, C2, C10,
                         is made. Sources of systematic                                                        end of an object such as a string   P5
                         error can include the environment,                                                    or rope.
                         methods of observation or                                             terminal        The maximum speed of an object,     P5
                         instruments used. Systematic errors                                   velocity        reached when the forces moving
                         cannot be dealt with by simple                                                        the object are balanced by its
                         repeats. If a systematic error is                                                     frictional forces.
                         suspected, the data collection
                         should be repeated using a                                            testicle        Organ where sperm are produced.  TB3
                         different technique or a different                                    theoretical     An idea that has not been tested    P6
                         set of equipment, and the results                                                     or proved to be true or real.
                                                                                               theoretical     The maximum possible mass of a      C3
         systemic        The part of the circulatory system   B2                               yield           product that can be made in a
         circuit         that includes the left side of the                                                    chemical reaction.
                         heart, the rest of the body apart
                         from the lungs, and the blood
                         vessels that connect them together.
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