Page 66 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 66
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
vaccine Substances containing disabled B3 vaporise To turn from a liquid to a gas or a C8, P8
antigens of a particular disease, vapour.
usually administered via injection. vapour Gas formed below the boiling C1, C7, C9,
Vaccines stimulate the body to point of a substance. C10
produce antibodies to provide
immunity against that disease. variable A quantity that can change or B2
that may take on different values.
vacuole A space within the cytoplasm of TB1, B1a, B1b
plant cells that contains cell sap. variable A resistor where the value of the P2
resistor resistance can be changed.
vacuum A space with no particles of matter in TP5, P6
it. Gases are made up of particles so variables These are physical, chemical Thinking
the air around you is NOT a vacuum. or biological quantities or scientifically
vagina Where the penis enters the female’s TB3
body and sperm is received Variation The differences within and TB3, TB6, B6
between species.
valid A conclusion supported by Thinking
conclusion valid data, obtained from an scientifically vascular Groups of xylem and phloem B2
appropriate experimental design bundles tissue in a plant.
and based on sound reasoning. vasoconstric- Narrowing of aterioles supplying B5
validity Suitability of the investigative Thinking tion the skin's blood capillaries,
procedure to answer the question scientifically causing less blood to flow.
being asked. For example, an vasodilation The increase in diameter of the skin B5
investigation to find out if the rate arterioles to increase blood flow
of a chemical reaction depended and increase heat loss by radiation.
upon the concentration of one of vector Any organism that can spread a B3, B6
the reactants would not be a valid disease.
procedure if the temperature of
the reactants was not controlled. A physical quantity that has both P5, P8
magnitude (size) and direction.
valve The structure in veins that prevents B2 Eg force, velocity, displacement,
the backflow of blood.
Van de A machine that causes friction P2 vein A blood vessel with valves that B2
Graaff between a rubber belt and transports blood to the heart.
generator plastic rollers in order to build
up electrical charge on a velocity The speed of an object in a P5, P8
metal dome. A large potential particular direction.
difference is generated.