Page 63 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 63

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         theory of       A theory put forward by Charles     B7a, B7b                          thyroxine       Hormone produced by the thyroid     B5
         evolution       Darwin that all living creatures                                                      gland that increases the basal
                         that exist today, including human                                                     metabolic rate.
                         beings, have evolved over a                                           tissue          Group of cells of one type.         TB1
                         period of millions of years from
                         more primitive life forms.                                                            A group of similar cells that carry   B1a, B1b
                                                                                                               out the same function, eg muscle
         therapeutic     Using cloning technology for        B1a, B1b
         cloning         medicinal purposes. One example                                                       tissue.
                         is to use a person's DNA to clone                                     tissue culture  A technique where animal or         B1a, B1b, B6
                         one of their organs for use in                                                        plant cells or tissue are isolated
                         transplanting.                                                                        and transferred to a sterile culture
         thermal         A measure of how well a material    P1                                                medium. If successful, the cells
         conductivity    conducts energy when it is heated.                                                    will continue to grow and divide,
                                                                                                               though not indefinitely.
         thermal          Material that allows heat to move   TP6
         conductor       quickly through it.                                                   tissue fluid    Fluid which is derived from blood   B1a, B1b, B2
                                                                                                               plasma that passes through the
         thermal de-     Type of reaction in which a         C3, C5                                            walls of capillaries.
         composition     compound breaks down to form two
                         or more substances when it is heated.                                 titration       A quantitative procedure in which   TC3, C4
                                                                                                               two solutions react in a known
         thermal         The quantity of energy stored in a   TP1, TP6, C5,                                    ratio, so if the concentration of
         energy          substance due to the movement       P1, P3, P8                                        one solution is known and the
                         of its particles.                                                                     volumes of both are measured,
                         A more formal term for heat                                                           the concentration of the other
                         energy.                                                                               solution can be determined.
         thermal         Material that only allows heat to   TP6                               titre           Volume of one reactant needed       C4
         insulator       travel slowly through it.                                                             to react completely with the other

         thermistor      An electrical device whose          P2                                                reactant in a titration.
                         resistance decreases as its                                           tongs           A scissor-like tool used to pick up and  P4
                         temperature increases.                                                                manipulate objects without touching
         thrust          A force used to move a body         P5                                                them directly with the hands.
                         forwards or up, eg the rocket had                                     toxic           Poisonous.                          B3, B4, B5,
                         a thrust of 10,000 N.                                                                                                     B7a, B7b, C2,
                                                                                                                                                   C7, C10
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