Page 68 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 68

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         weight          The force acting on an object due   TP5, P5                           yield           The mass of a crop produced.        B3, B6, B7a,
                         to the pull of gravity from a massive                                                                                     B7b
                         object like a planet. The force acts                                                  The mass of product made            C10
                         towards the centre of the planet                                                      in a chemical reaction. The
                         and is measured in newtons (N).                                                       percentage yield is a measure of

         white blood     A type of cell found in blood that   B3                                               the yield obtained compared to
         cell            defends against infection.                                                            the maximum possible yield.
         word            An equation in which only the       C1                                zero error      Any indication that a measuring     Thinking
         equation        names of the reactants and                                                            system gives a false reading when   scientifically
                         products are used to model a                                                          the true value of a measured
                         reaction.                                                                             quantity is zero, eg the needle on

         work            The transfer of energy when a       TP4                                               an ammeter failing to return to
                         force moves an object through a                                                       zero when no current flows. A zero
                         distance. Measured in Newton-                                                         error may result in a systematic
                         meters (or Joules).                                                                   uncertainty.
                         Energy transferred by a force. Work  P2, P3, P5                       zygote          A fertilised egg cell.              B1a, B1b, B6
                         done = force × distance moved in
                         the direction of the force.
         work done       The amount of energy it takes to    P5
                         do a task. Measured in joules (J).
                         For example, the work done in
                         raising a mass through 10 m would
                         be equal to the gain in potential
                         energy of the mass.
         write           Only a short answer is required, not  Command
                         an explanation or a description.    word
         xylem vessels   Narrow, hollow, dead tubes with     B2, B4
                         lignin, responsible for the transport
                         of water and minerals in plants.
         yeast           A unicellular fungus used in the    B3, C7
                         brewing and baking industries.
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