Page 69 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 69

Vocabulary                                                                            Common prefixes are also useful

                                                                                              Prefixes are letters which we add to the beginning of a
         Word       Definition                Examples
                                                                                              word to make a new word with a different meaning.
         an         without                   anaemic, anhydrous

         bio        life                      biodegrade, biofuel                              Word        Definition               Examples

         chrom/a/   colour                    chromatography,                                  de-         removal, not/undo        delocalised, denature
         ato/o                                monochrome
                                                                                               inter-      between                  intermolecular, interspecific
         derm       skin                      dermatitis
                                                                                               intra-      within                   intramolecular, intraspecific
         electr/i/o  electricity              electromotive, electroplating
                                                                                               mono-       one, only, single        monounsaturated, monomer,
         end/o      inner                     endocrine, endothermic                                                                monogamy

         epi        on, upon, over            epidermis                                        poly-       many                     polymer, polyunsaturated

         exo        out, outside              exothermic, exoskeleton
         haem/a/    blood                     haemoglobin, haemophilia                        Many sources were used to assist in the development
         ato/o                                                                                of this resource. For a full list of sources, please email
         hypo       under                     hypothermia                           

         iso        equal                     isotope, isomer
                                                                                              This resource is not intended for sale.
         lys/i/is/io  loosening, breaking down  analysis, electrolysis

         mer        part                      monomer, polymer

         meter      measure                   barometer, ammeter

         stas/i/is  standing                  homeostasis, haemostasis

         therm/o    heat                      thermometer, thermochromic
         hydro/     relating to water         hydroelectricity hydraulic,
         hydr-      or combined with          hydration, dehydrated,
                    hydrogen.                 hydroponics
         photo-     light                     photograph, photosynthesis

         co-        joint, mutual, common,    covalent, cooperation,
                    sharing                   coordinate, accommodate
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