Page 46 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 46

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         opaque          Not transparent or see-through.     C10, P6                           oscillations    The repeated and regular fluctuations,  P6
                                                                                                               above and below the same position,
         operculum       A flap on the side of the head of   B2                                                eg the pressure of a sound wave or
                         a fish through which water passes                                                     the voltage of an alternating current.
                         after it has flowed over the gills.
                                                                                               oscilloscope    Device for viewing patterns, for    TP2, P6
         optimum         The best or most appropriate - for   B2, B7a, B7b                                     example of sound waves that have
                         instance, the conditions under                                                        been turned into electrical current.
                         which an enzyme works best (eg
                         temperature and pH).                                                  osmoregula-     A form of homeostasis which controls  B5
                                                                                               tion            the volume of water in the body.
         orbit           Curved path taken by a satellite,   TP5
                         planet or star moving around a                                        osmosis         The movement of water molecules  B1a, B1b, B2,
                         larger body. Earth completes one                                                      across a selectively permeable      B5, C10
                         orbit of the Sun every year.                                                          membrane from a region of higher
                                                                                                               water concentration to a region of
         order of        A number, to the base ten, often    B1a, B1b, C2                                      lower water concentration.
         magnitude       used to make comparisons. For
                         each order of magnitude, a number                                     outer core      The Earth's outer core is a fluid layer  P6
                         is ten times the previous one.                                                        that sits above the solid inner core.
         ore             Naturally occurring rock, from      TC4, C4, C10                      output force    The force that is applied to the    TP4
                         which metal can be obtained.                                                          object moved by the machine.
         organ           A group of different tissues that work  TB1,B2, B4                    ovary           Organ which contains eggs.          TB3
                         together to carry out a particular                                    overfishing     To catch fish in such high numbers   B7a, B7b
                         function, eg heart and lungs.                                                         that species struggle to survive.
         organic         Compounds that contain carbon       C7                                oviduct, or     Carries an egg from the ovary to    TB3
         compound        atoms, joined by covalent bonds                                       fallopian       the uterus and is where fertilisation
                         to other atoms (including other                                       tube            occurs.
                         carbon atoms).
                                                                                               ovulation       Release of an egg cell during the   TB3
         organic         When crops are grown without the  B7a, B7b                                            menstrual cycle, which may be
         farming         use of chemicals.                                                                     met by a sperm.

         organism        Living entity, eg animals, plants or   B1a, B1b, B2,                  ovules          Female sex cells in plants found in   TB2
                         microorganisms.                     B3, B6, C7, C9,                                   the ovary.
                                                                                               oxidation       The gain of oxygen, or loss of      C4, C5, C9
         oscillation     Vibration                           P6                                                electrons, by a substance during a
                                                                                                               chemical reaction.
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