Page 36 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 36

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         interdepend-    Refers to the fact that all         B7a, B7b                          inversely       A relationship between two variables  B4, P3
         ence            organisms that live in an                                             proportional    where as one variable increases,
                         ecosystem depend upon each                                                            the other variable decreases, eg as
                         other, for food, protection, shelter,                                                 the volume doubled, the pressure
                         etc, in order to survive.                                                             decreased by half.

         intermolecu-    Weak attractive forces between      C2, C7                            iodine          A solution of iodine, which is used   B2
         lar forces      molecules. When a simple                                              solution        to test for starch.
                         molecular substance melts or                                          ion             Electrically charged particle,      B1a, B1b, C1,
                         boils, it is the intermolecular forces                                                formed when an atom or molecule     C2, C3, C4,
                         that are broken (not the covalent                                                     gains or loses electrons.           C6, C8, C10,
                         bonds in each molecule).                                                                                                  P1, P2
         internal        The total kinetic energy and        P1, P3, P6, P8                    ionic           Ionic bonding forms between two     C2, C4
         energy          potential energy of the particles in                                  bonding         atoms when an electron is transferred
                         an object.                                                                            from one atom to the other, forming

         International   Collection of modules constructed  C5                                                 a positive-negative ion pair.
         Space Station   by several countries that currently                                   ionic           An ionic compound occurs when       C1, C2, C3,
                         orbits above the Earth at altitudes                                   compound        a negative ion (an atom that has    C4
                         of 330km to 430km. A permanent                                                        gained an electron) joins with a
                         space station. Eg: the ISS orbits                                                     positive ion (an atom that has lost
                         Earth 15 times a day.                                                                 an electron).

         interpolated    To determine a data point from      B1a, B1b                          ionic           A chemical equation that shows      C1, C4, C8
                         a known set of data points, for                                       equation        how positively charged ions join
                         instance, determining data points                                                     with negatively charged ions to
                         from a graph.                                                                         make a compound.

         interspecific   The competition which occurs        B7a, B7b                          ionic lattice   The regular arrangement of ions in   C2
         competition     between organisms of different                                                        an ionic substance.
                         species for a common resource.
                                                                                               ionisation      Process by which electrons can be  P4
         interval        The quantity between readings, eg  Thinking                                           added or removed from an atom
                         a set of 11 readings equally spaced  scientifically                                   to create an ion.
                         over a distance of 1 metre would
                         give an interval of 10 centimetres.                                   ionise          To ionise is to convert an          C4, C7, P4
                                                                                                               uncharged atom or molecule into
         inverse         The reciprocal.                     B2                                                a charged particle by adding or
                                                                                                               removing electrons.
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