Page 27 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 27

Word            Definition                          Topic(s)                          Word            Definition                          Topic(s)

         fermentation    Type of anaerobic respiration       C3, C7                            filtering       The process of passing a mixture    C3
                         carried out by yeast.                                                                 through a device - soluble

         fermenter       A tank containing nutrients, which   B7a, B7b                                         substances pass through the
                         is used to grow large numbers of                                                      filter as a 'filtrate' but insoluble
                         bacteria or yeast in anaerobic                                                        substances or unwanted material
                         conditions, so that they respire                                                      will stay in the filter as a 'residue'.
                         anaerobically.                                                        filtration      Method used to separate an          C1, C4
         fertilisation   Joining of a nucleus from a male    TB2, TB3, B1a,                                    insoluble solid from a liquid using a
                         and female sex cell (gamete).       B1b, B6                                           physical barrier such as paper.
         fertiliser      Nutrients added to the soil to      C10, TB5                          finite          Something that has a limited        C7, P1
                         increase the soil fertility, allowing                                                 number of uses before it is depleted.
                         plants to build more tissues.                                                         For example, oil is a finite resource.

         fertility       The ability to reproduce.           B5                                finite          Resource that can only be used      C10
                                                                                               resource        once and is in limited supply. For
         fetus (foetus)   An unborn baby. Usually eight      B2                                                example, oil is a finite resource.
                         weeks from conception.
                                                                                               fixed resistor  Electrical component with a         P2
         fibres          Long, thin strands.                 C10                                               resistance that is fixed and cannot
                                                                                                               be changed.
         field           The area where objects              TP3,TP5
                         experience a force. E.g. If an                                        flaccid         Lacking turgor. Lacking in stiffness   B1a, B1b
                         object is in a gravitational field it                                                 or strength. Soft and floppy.
                         will experience a pull.                                               flame test      A qualitative identification        C8
         field of view   The area seen when looking          B1a, B1b, B2                                      technique where samples are
                         through a microscope.                                                                 heated and the metal ions present
                                                                                                               are identified by characteristic
         filament        A thin, high resistance wire that   P2                                                flame colours.
                         gets hot and glows when a
                         current flows through it causing it                                   flammable       A substance that catches fire       TC1, C4, C7
                         to emit heat and light. Filaments                                                     easily.
                         are used in some types of bulb                                        floods          An excess of water that does        C9
                         and electrical heaters.                                                               major damage to a region.

                                                                                               flower          Contains the plant’s reproductive   TB2
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