Page 23 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 23
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
electrochem- Chemical reaction resulting in the C4 electromag- Range of all possible frequencies B4, P6, P8
ical production of electric current. netic of radiation, e.g. ultraviolet light is
electrocute Cause injury or death by an P2 spectrum part of the EM spectrum.
electric shock. electromag- A transverse wave caused by P4, P6
electrode A conductor used to establish C2, C4, C5 netic wave oscillations in an electromagnetic
electrical contact with a circuit. field.
The electrode attached to the electron Subatomic particle, with a negative C1, C2, C4,
negative terminal of a battery is charge and a negligible mass P2, P4
called a negative electrode, or relative to protons and neutrons.
cathode. The electrode attached electronic A set of numbers to show how the C1
to the positive terminal of a battery structure electrons in an atom are arranged
is the positive electrode, or anode. in shells, or energy levels.
electrolysis The decomposition (breakdown) TC4, C4, C5, electroplating Using electrolysis to deposit a thin C10
of a compound using an electric C10 layer of metal onto another metal,
current. usually to improve its appearance
electrolyte A substance which, when molten C4, C5, C10 or corrosion resistance.
or in solution, will conduct an electrostatic Non-contact force between two TP3
electric current. force charged objects.
electromag- A magnet made by wrapping TP3, C10, P7 A force of attraction between C2, P5
net a coil of wire around an iron particles with opposite charges.
bar and passing an electric
current through the coil. It is non- element A substance made up of only one TC1, B2, B7a,
permanent and can be turned on type of atom. B7b, C1, C2,
and off by controlling the current C3, C4, C8,
moving through it. C10, P8
electromag- The production of a potential P7 elliptical Shaped like an ellipse. Oval or P8
netic difference (voltage) when a egg-shaped.
induction conductor, such as a wire, is elongation Becoming longer. B5
moved through a magnetic field
or exposed to a varying magnetic embryo The first two months of TB3
field. If the conductor is part of development of a baby.
an electric circuit, an induced An organism in the early stages of B1a, B1b, B2
current will flow. development.