Page 19 - ICC Science Dictionary (spreads)
P. 19
Word Definition Topic(s) Word Definition Topic(s)
density A measure of compactness and C1, C10, P3, developed Refers to a country that has a lot P1
the ratio of mass to volume. It is P6 of wealth or a population that is
usually measured in kilograms per healthy and well educated.
metre cubed (kg/m3) or grams diabetes A serious disease in which the body B1a, B1b, B2,
per centimetre cubed (g/cm3). is unable to regulate blood sugar. B5, B6
dependent Dependent variable is the variable Thinking dialysis Medical treatment in which blood B5
of which the value is measured scientifically is removed from the body and
for each and every change in the filtered before being returned.
independent variable.
diamond A form (allotrope) of pure carbon C2
depression Depression is a condition which B2 in which all the atoms are bonded
affects mental health and causes to four others in a giant tetrahedral
people to experience symptoms network structure which is very
such as depressed mood, loss of strong. Diamond is the hardest
interest or pleasure and feelings of known natural substance, has a
guilt or low self-worth. very high melting point and does
desalination The removal of salt from water. C10 not conduct electricity.
This is an energy-intensive process. diaphragm A large sheet of muscle that TB4, B2
Also known as desalinisation. separates the lungs from the
describe Students may be asked to recall Command abdominal cavity.
some facts, events or process in an word diarrhoea Liquid faeces. B3
accurate way.
desiccant A substance that absorbs water C10 diet The type and amount of food B2, B5
vapour, helping to keep air or consumed by people.
objects dry. dietary fibre Parts of plants that cannot be TB4
digested, which helps the body
design Set out how something will be Command
done. word eliminate waste.
detergent A mixture of chemicals which C7 differentiation When an unspecialised cell becomes B1a, B1b
have cleaning properties when a more specialised cell type.
dissolved in water, and are able to diffuse When particles spread out from a B2
dissolve grease. region of higher concentration to
determine Use given data or information to Command a region of lower concentration.
obtain and answer. word